Chapter TwentySeven- Home

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They walked for a couple of hours before they made it back to Dream's base. Technoblade wanted to protest about bringing Y/n into their base because he didn't trust them, but it did make the most sense.

There was only two medical centres in the Dream smp, the one in Dreams base and the one in L'manburg.

L'manburg's one is in a tent, so its nothing compared to the one at dreams base.

They all walked through the door of Dreams base. Technoblade was admiring the base as they walked up the stairs and through a hall. Dream stopped outside a door and opened it.

They all followed him in and Technoblade was slightly surprised by how much medical stuff they seemed to have.

Punz walked straight over to a cot and laid Y/n down on it. She was completely still and lifeless.

"Okay, Punz I need you to get Y/n some water, Sapnap get her something to eat, and I will get some bandages" Dream commanded. Punz and Sapnap nodded their heads in agreeance and left the room. Dream walked over to the cabinets on the other side of the room.

Technoblade stood their with nothing to do. There wasn't much he could do as he knew where nothing was at this base.

Technoblade walked over to Y/n's bedside. He knew it would be a long time before she recovers from the nether, if she ever does.

Then he saw her move, but not in a twitching way like last time, she looked like she was waking up. Technoblade glanced over at Dream who seemed to be busy with something.

Technoblade watched as her eyes started to flutter open. The second she did, Technoblade whispered quickly in her ear "Do not tell them about the voices"

Y/ns face got even more confused when she heard him say that. She had so many questions about everything.

What confused her most was that Technoblade knew about the random voices in her head, and why she should hide it.

But then everything hit her as she reconised the place she was. She sat up and knew exactly where she was. It was the medical room in Dream's base, a place she has been several of times.

She saw Dream in the far end of the room, by the cabinets filled with potions. He seemed like he was looking for something. Then she looked over to her side, where Technoblade was standing.

She immediately reached up, grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down into a hug. Technoblade was surprised by the sudden gesture as her arms wrapped around him.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you" She told him.

He was awkward with stuff like hugs. It wasn't something he was used to. He returned the hug depite usually not liking them, he was happy that she was finally back home.

"What happened, how did i get here?" Y/n asked.

Technoblade didn't have time to answer as Dream interrupted.

"Y/n you're awake" Dream said as he walked over to the two with a roll of bandages, a cloth and rubbing alcohol. He rested the stuff on the edge of the cot. "How are you?"

"better than i was a day ago" Y/n said as this was way better than being trapped in the nether. "What happened?" She asked again as she didn't receive an answer.

"Well what do you remember?" He asked back.

"I remember Sapnap saving me, but that's it" Y/n explained. Dream and Technoblade shared a confused look to one another.

"Do you not remember the manic episode you had?" Dream asked.

"No?" Y/n said as she glanced at Dream then Technoblade. "What do you mean?"

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