Chapter 3: Old Friends, Old Wounds

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Somewhere in rainforest district, it was raining and
thunder struck near the Animal Asylum for the
Criminally Insane. Inside Nick and Judy were passing by the line of insane Chimal animals. They were being escorted by Jack, after he rescued his daughter, Jack became a security guard at the
asylum for his daughter to keep a close eye on dr.
Terce. They see many dangerous animals: poisonous tart frog, ocelot, boa, king vulture, howling monkey,
Goliath bird eater and a iguana.

"Thanks again Jack." Judy said.

"It's the least I can do, after you help find my
daughter." Jack said.

"How is Jenna by the way" Nick asked.

"Oh she's doing fine, she's getting therapy but she's
doing okay."

They finally reach to the last glass cell that belonged to Dr. Terce.

"I must warn you" Jack says as he use the keys to open the first iron gate holding Dr. Terce.

"Dr. Terce is not normal."

"I'll give you that" Nick mutters.

"He's gotten...really crazy."

Then they see the glass cell, where Dr. Terce was
trimming his small plants. Judy and Nick were confused as they look at Jack.

"He said he wanted a hobby to better himself, but
mostly he just spends inside attending his inside

Nervously Judy and Nick approach the cell with
caution. Terce had his back turned away from them, as he trims the weeds off his favorite flower that reminds him of Jenna. Judy was a bit nervous then she knocks on the glass.

"He-hel-lo, dr. Terce." Judy stuttered.

He stops and tilt his head up, "Hello detective hops
and wild" he spoke in a Russian accent, "long time
no see."

"Nice little garden you got here professor." Nick said.

"Yes" he turns around smiling at them sinisterly,
"Welcome to my little sanctuary, I'm trying to make
it in the shape of Jenna, each flower reminds me of
her, her screams, the terror in her eyes, her
trembling body."

"Uh you know her dad is here right" Judy points
out to a furious Jack, who charged and bang on the

"Don't make me come in there." Jack threatened.  Then Nick holds him back.

"Look Dr. Terce, we have some questions for you."

"But I haven't done anything wrong." He said.

"How do you know it was a missing mammal case?" Judy asked.

"Cops don't come here for a visit." Terce said.

"Just listen here, Emmett Otterton comes here to
deliver flowers, did you know him"

"Ah Mr. Otterton, he's a good man, comes bring me
my daily flowers every week, he even gave me these
Midnicampum holicithius."


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