Chapter 6: Big Trouble in Tundratown

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The scene changes to the Tundratown Limo Service. Judy tugs on the lock on the gate.

"Closed! Great!" Judy said.

"You wasted the day on purpose!" Wolf growled at

"Wha-me?" Nick places his hand over his chest,
acting offended.

"Come on guys I would never, besides aren't you
having fun."

"We're out here to have fun, we're just helping you
on your pretend investigation so we can get away
from you." Snake hissed at him.

"It's not a "pretend investigation" Nick takes out
the Otterton picture,

"Look, see? See him? This otter is real and he's missing."  Nick said.

They then look back at the locked gate.

"What do we do now?" webs asked.

"I bet ya, he doesn't even have a warrant to get in"
Snake added.

"It's a shame, darn it, what a bummer" then he
turns to wolf, "if only we knew someone who
could....I don't know break the door open for us,
huh wolf" he nudges a annoyed wolf.

"Ugh, piranha" wolf calls Piranha.

Piranha walks over to it and lightning kicks the gates open.

"HAHA, nice, we made a great team" Nick says as
he high fives wolf.

But wolf just glares at him then he and the others
walked inside.

"They should've gotten a real cop." Snake says.

This causes Nick to frown, Judy noticed he was
trying to make up to them.

Then she walks up to wolf who was still glaring.

"You guys are helping plenty!" Judy smiling cheekily, with Wolf looking down at her.

"Don't get any ideas, we're just doing thud so we
can get this over it and get back to our kid, it has
nothing to do with that manipulating fox nor will I
have anything to do with him either!"

He growled as he walks away from Judy, a thought
came to her.

What happened between Nick and the bad guys,
why do they hate him so much, what did he do to
make them so mad at him?: she thought.

Then Judy uses her phone light and wipes the snow
off the license plate.

"2-9-T-H-D-0-3.... This is it!"

She and Nick opens the passenger door and Judy
opens the driver's door

The bad guys except for Shark got in, Cold mist
comes out from the car. Judy looks around the
pedal and the brake and sees a strand of white hair.
She picks it up with a pair of tweezers, "Polar bear fur"

Nick nods, He exhales, as shown by his visible
breath. He then opens the glove compartment and
suddenly jumps back in alarm

"Oh my God!"

"What?!" Judy and the bad guys yelled.

Nick takes out a bunch of CDs. One of them has a
picture of a smiling vole on it.

"The velvety pipes of Jerry Vole!" He grins, as the
bad guys looks at him annoyed.

Judy puts the polar bear fur in a plastic bag, while
the Bad Guys yells at Nick.

"But on CD. Who still uses CDs?" tosses the CDs

"Come on Nick stay focused!" Wolf says.

"Come on I'm just having a little fun." Nick said.

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