Chapter Six

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Janine Greenstock is definitely after my job. And I think that Mark might be part of the plan. Suzy’s plan that is. Janine isn’t smart enough to have thought of this herself.

If Janine’s dating Mark, then she hopes it will have some bearing on who gets the job when it comes to reapplying. I’m not even sure Janine would want a job like mine but if our positions are merging then only one of us can stay.

Last night, Dan and I had stayed for one drink with Janine and Mark and all she could talk about was how exciting it is that we’re both going for the same job. I’m not sure if that’s her natural personality shining through or if Suzy’s told her to be nice to me. When you think about it, Janine is really just a pawn in Suzy’s evil plot to destroy me.

The thing is, I have no idea why Suzy hates me so much. I’d say she’s just a spiteful cow in general but it does seem to just be me she has it in for. Three years ago when I took the job at Connect, her main goal in life seemed to be ruining mine with the endless errands she sent me on. Now I’m more established as a personal shopper, I have customers to see and less time to spend being bossed around by Suzy.

Janine gives me a little wave from where she’s standing behind the counter, something that makes me suspect her friendliness might be part of Suzy’s evil plot since she’s never paid me that much attention before.

I feel a little bit stung by Janine’s date with Mark but I can’t quite figure out why. I suppose it’s to do with my job. If he starts to fall for her then I’ve got no chance.

I’d have no idea that the two of them were romantically involved at all if I hadn’t been meeting Dan last night. Mark rarely makes an appearance in the women’s fashion department and, when he does, I’ve never seen him speak to Janine.

That’s what’s bothering me the most. Mark just doesn’t seem to be that into Janine. Not that I know the inner thoughts of Mark Edwards. He probably spends all his time worrying about how he looks, the arrogant tosser.

I know that the reason I’m so mad at Mark is because he could fall in love with Janine at any moment. Sure, he doesn’t seem that interested now but that doesn’t mean anything with a man. They say that a woman can’t make a decision, whereas a man will make hundreds of decisions before he definitively makes his mind up. I’m already picturing Mark sitting in his office chair deliberating his relationship with Janine.

Janine has red hair, like Bianca’s only darker, and a very clear complexion. It’s easy to see why Mark would like her. But I keep hoping that he doesn’t. It’s exactly what scheming Suzy wants.

I don’t see Mark until I’m returning from my lunch break. He’s wearing his usual crisp navy blue suit without a speck of cotton of fluff in sight and his dark hair is neatly styled. Some people keep stationary or paperwork in their desk drawers. Mark probably keeps a mirror and his girlie styling products.

He nods his head in my direction. “Morning Chloe.”

“Actually it’s afternoon,” I say automatically. As if it wasn’t bad enough him thinking I’m raving bonkers, now he probably thinks I’m a moody cow.

“Right,” he says nervously. “I was hoping to speak to you.”

Of all the things that Mark Edwards could be about to say to me, my mind is aflutter with marriage proposals, or even just a date would do. When did I become so desperate and pathetic?

“It’s about the job. Obviously you know we’re looking at merging your responsibilities with a more general shop assistant role.”

“Janine’s job.”

“Well, yes. You and Janine are both valued members of the team but all the departments are looking at making some cut and it’s just unfortunate that we can’t keep both of you on.”

“This particular cut,” I say, “it wouldn’t have been Suzy’s idea, would it?”

Mark gives me a half-smile in response. I have the feeling that he’s a little bit scared of Suzy. But I’m not.

The only way Suzy would want to threaten her little sidekick’s job is if she’s certain that I’m the one who’s going to lose out. Which means she has a plan.

“I’ve been in talks with the managers of all departments,” Mark finally says.

“So Suzy thinks getting rid of me is the best option?"

“That’s not the case,” Mark insists. “We’re going to be interviewing you and Janine as though you’re both new applicants.”

“So it’s going to be consultations with women, finding the rights clothes for them, putting out the new stock, sorting out all the displays,” I drag out my duties, “merged with manning the tills?”

Mark nods. “I’ll let you know when we begin the interview process.”

I look across at Janine, who’s standing behind the empty counter filing her nails.

Game on.

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