Chapter Thirteen

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If I had to face going back to work, I was going to do it in style. No more Primark suits and two inch heels. I checked my appearance in the mirror on the way out, pulling down my red and blue floral print DKNY skirt, the most expensive item of clothing I’ve ever bought. I hope I’ve complemented it quite well with a white satin blouse and my bright red New Look wedges. I’m even wearing some of the makeup samples Charlie from the cosmetics counter gave me.

I do feel a bit overdressed sitting next to a man in jeans and a scruffy t-shirt on the 110 bus into Leeds but it’s all worth it as soon as I get to work and see Mark passing through the department.

We don’t say anything to each other but it’s obvious he’s noticed me. I know it makes me no better than women like Janine but already I can feel my self-esteem improving. And that’s what’s important if I’m going to face up to the social embarrassment I suffered at Mark’s the other night.

“Feeling better?” Suzy asks smugly.

“Back to work now.” I flash a brief smile.

She looks me up and down, checking out my adventurous choice of clothing (compared to her shapeless grey suit) but I ignore her and walk away before she can ask me to do something she doesn’t fancy doing.

As I expected, Melinda is in the changing rooms, practising walking in a pair of pink skinny jeans. I can hear her telling someone one of her date stories but I don’t see who it is until I round the corner.

“Hi Chloe!” Janine greets me, abnormally perky as always.

“Janine.” I nod in her direction, wondering what she’s doing here.

“What do you think to this look?” Melinda gestures to the jeans and boldly patterned black top she’s wearing.

I pull a face, looking over her slender frame. Melinda could probably pull off most things but the large print of the top almost drowns out her petite figure. “Bootcut jeans and a top with some volume like frills or ruffles would suit you better,” I say plainly.

“Oh,” Janine says. “I picked this outfit out for her. Don’t you like it?”

Since when was Janine doing my job? The decision hadn’t been made yet.

My cheeks flushed with anger. “It doesn’t suit her figure.”

Melinda looks between the two of us, and I quickly head off to find a shell-pink frilly sleeveless blouse and a pair of indigo bootcut jeans in Melinda’s size.

I hand the garments to her and she takes them into the changing cubicle without a word.

Janine looks up at me. “I thought I’d done it right.”

I shrug. “It’s not easy.”

“Could you help me?” she asks after a pause.

Surely she’s not asking what I think she is. She wants me to help her steal my job?

“I’m going on a date with Mark,” she continues, “and I want to get it right.”

This is the moment when I realise that I can’t feel anything for Mark because our kiss obviously hasn’t altered anything for him. And I’m wearing these stupid, uncomfortable shoes and a DKNY skirt for nothing.

“Yes, I’ll help you,” I finally say, scanning Janine’s hourglass figure.

Revenge does enter my mind but it’s not her fault if Mark wants her and not me, is it? Besides, even if I dressed her in the most hideous combination known to fashion, it’s not like Mark would notice.


I wash the makeup off my face in the loos at lunch time. What’s left of it anyway. Seriously, for the price some women pay for this stuff, you’d think it would be a bit longer lasting.

I’ve decided that the best thing to do is to just avoid Mark, even if that means spending my lunch times in here. I can’t really avoid him when I’m working though, and we soon run into each other when I’m sorting out the sale rail.

“I think I owe you an apology,” he begins.

“For what?” As far as I was concerned, it was the other way around.

He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “I shouldn’t have kissed you.”

“Because of Janine? I know.”

“Let’s just forget about it,” he says quickly.

I don’t get time to respond before he’s gone.

I hope that’s not a teaser for how awkward things are going to be between us now. If it is, maybe I should be helping Janine get the job.

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