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Namjoon pov:

After breakfast, me and the boys along with Soobin gathered in Seokjin hyung's room even though the man complained about it.

"So today you ha-" Soobin was cut off when the maknaes interrupted.

"We have no schedule!" They chorused.

I threw a questioning look towards them so they would explain themselves.

"It's always like that, hyung. Whenever we go on tours, we get a day off on teh first day to adjust to the time difference, weather and jet lag." Taehyung explained.

Soobin quietly nodded, still sticking to my side since breakfast. He said something along the lines of wanting to protect his idol. I was about to reject the idea but when the boy pulled puppy eyes on me, I knew he was desperate.

Soon almost everyone went to their respective rooms to nap again. But there is this one person I noticed who walked past his room and to the elevator. 

Where is he going?

I immediately ran to the stairs and followed the elevator. I heaved a large breath as the elevator stopped in the tenth floor.

Did I just run up 6 floors? damn.

Jimin got out of the elevator and looked around for a second. I quickly hid behind a curtain in the hallway. I peeked from behind as he walked into one of the rooms with large doors. I quietly followed him into the room. I watched as he walked through another door inside. I guess they are restrooms.

I waited on the other side of the door, waiting for him to come out. In a few seconds, I heard a few grunts and gasps.

Is he throwing up? I didn't know he was sick. He looked fine until now. Wait ,is it what I think it is?

"JIMIN! Are you okay?" I burst into  the room and could see the small boy leaning over the toilet, crouching down.

His eyes closed shut and his legs gave off as he fell to the bathroom floor. "Joonie h-hyung?" He whimpered out.

I ran to him and gathered the boy in my arms. He leaned into my arms. I tried my best to extend my hand in that sitting position to flush the toilet. Just when I heard the flush sound, I lifted the boy in my hands and placed him gently on the counter. 

"Keep your eyes open. I know how you feel right now. But hang on for a minute. I'll take you to your room." I uttered quietly, holding the boy's cheek.

Jimin tried to frantically shake his head which resulted in a minor headache. I understood and just nodded. He snuggled into my arms for a few more minutes before weakly sitting up straight.

He got down from the counter with some help and washed his face and mouth in the sink. I waited for him to explain the situation. He clutched my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine, pulling me out of the restroom. He dragged himself to one of the chairs near the swimming pool. 

Just when I thought he would sit on it, he dropped to his knees in front of the pool and settled down, letting his legs soak in the water. I sat down beside him and pulled him into my side. He quietly snuggled into me again.

"Why Jimin-ah? Just why are you doing this to yourself? I know you are not that weak to just see some hate comments get on you. Who is doing this to you?" A lone tear slipped the boy's eyes as he looked at me through those lashes.

"I-I-" He started but had to stop when he felt a sting in his throat. I understood and was about to stand up to get some water  but he pulled himself closer to me.

"Let hyung get you some water? I'll be right back."

"I-I'm fine, hyung. And all of this, please forget it happened. Y-you were not supposed to see this." My heart ached for the boy . It made me doubt if it was the same bubbly guy who tailed me daily. 

"You know, Jimin, I went through something very similar to you. I had to starve since I have to stay slim but still have muscles." I started, so he would feel comfortable with me.

"I've been in the facility from the moment I remember. I grew up like a robot with a heartbeat. I had no family or whatsoever. And I was told to show no emotion which I obeyed so that I could be in the good side of my boss. I only knew how to fight but not to care. I was given a phone when I was seventeen and that's when I knew what I was missing out. Since I wasn't allowed out, I just watched everything through the screen. I watched the emotions people showed and when I knew I wouldn't be able to have them, I threw the phone away and have not used it until recently." I paused as I understood I was going off track.

Jimin looked up at me with teary eyes as a lone tear rolled down his cheek.

" I-I got off the topic-" I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

"My personal trainer, hyung." He mumbled.


"My personal trainer wouldn't allow me to eat much. And if I had to eat in some interview, I need to throw up later. He weighs me daily and if I cross 53 kgs then, he b-beats me up. And he threatened to do the same to Taehyungie if I tell this to anyone." He choked out through sobs. Slowly his breathing quickened as he was on full on crying mode.

Now what? I don't know how to comfort him! Maybe I should tell him.

"I-I want to comfort you but I don't know how." He slightly chuckled through his sobs and lifted himself up.

He put both of his legs on either side of mine and wrapped his arms on my neck. He buried his face in my neck, still letting out some sobs. He got in a comfortable position as he sighed.

I awkwardly sat there for a minute when he spoke up again, "Hug me, hyungie."

"Uh okay." I wrapped my around his waist and tried to slightly massage his back as he was so tense.

"Hyungie, inside. Put your hands inside my shirt please~" He let out and I turned a slight pink.

"Are you sure?" He hummed still sniffling.

I did as he told, gently massaging his back and hips. In a few minutes, his sobs turned into snores as he slept on me.

The trainer better be ready to get his bones broken and be fired when we return to Korea.

Namjoon didn't understand why he was so protective but he knew it will do no good when his contract is over.

I literally cried writing this~

And I had to rewrite it twice as wattpad deleted the half of the story when I posted.

Thankyou guys for voting and commenting... It gives me motivation to keep on writing~

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