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On the third floor, I enter the conference room

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On the third floor, I enter the conference room. My four brothers are seated waiting to see what this meeting is about. Closing the door behind me I crack my knuckles standing at the head of the table. Slamming my laptop down on the table, I open it to reveal an image. 

"I received this picture along with a message shortly before Luca and Parker arrived home tonight." I coldy state, breaking the deafening silence.

Glancing around the room, I take note of my brothers body language. Clenched jaws and fists are visible upon seeing the screen.

A picture of my sorellina just hours ago is displayed. Her and Luca trick or treating together, completely unaware of the threat that was following them. 

"It seems the russians have come to know about our sorellina." I announce, leaning my hands on the table. 

I notice Luca has gone pale, thinking this is his fault.

"Luca, you are not to blame. Even with added security they remained undetected." I reassure him, knowing he is going to destroy himself with his own thoughts.

The russians have always caused us problems. They are good at operating under the radar.

"The russians have either always known about Parker or have just recently found out. We captured one of the two men Parker mentioned aiding in her torment." I state looking to Ares.

Ares was the one who apprehended him. Dragging him to our basement where he currently resides.

"The prisoner is Hugo Eklund, a swedish mafia soldier. He claims to be unaware of Parker's relation to us, but I'm sure the other man has caught wind of his capture." I pause, taking a deep breath. "This leads me to believe the other man is working with the russians." I finish.

The rooms atmosphere is tense. The russians are without a doubt our biggest enemy. They were behind the twins kidnapping and we have reason to believe they are behind our father's disappearance. He vanished a mere four years ago and we have presumed him dead.

Our father was the previous don, when he went missing I took over at the age of twenty. Father was easily the smartest man I knew, outsmarting all our enemies. He loved us unconditionally even if he had trouble showing it. I know he would have found his way back if he was kidnapped, this is why I know he is dead.

"Fucking russians!" Ares shouts, slamming his fist in the table. 

His action effectively pulling me from my thoughts.

"I may have only been sixteen then, but I swear to god, they are going to wish they killed me all those years ago." He spits through gritted teeth.

I send him a cold look, causing him to sink lower into his seat. Ares seeks vengeance, we all do.

"Now is not the time, Ares. I will be increasing security and assigning Parker personal bodyguards. Until we discover more on the russians motives, I want all of you for the time being to keep in extra eye on our sorellina." I firmly inform them.

I received nods of acknowledgement in return. 

"Is she still starting school on Monday?" Luca asks curiously.

I've put a lot of thought in his question given the recent situation.

"Yes." I assertively respond 

Through my peripheral vision I see Matteo stand, looking to be outraged. I dismiss him with a way of my hand.

"She deserves a normal life. I have added extra precautions." I say, slowing turning to him.

"But-" Matteo starts.

"End of discussion. This meeting is over." I interrupt him, slighting raising my voice. 

Without sticking around any longer, I exit the room heading to my office. A lot of work needs to be done to ensure my sorellina's safety. 


Sunday morning came quickly with how much preparation I have been putting into Parker's security detail. I decided two of my most trusted men with become her full time bodyguards. They are brothers who have been in our mafia for sometime now. Joining after their parents death, they have proved their loyalty for years now. 

The fact that they are brothers also reassures me they will understand better than most the importance of family, especially when it comes to young innocence like Parker. I know Remo and Milo Pedrelli will protect my sorellina with their lives. 

A knock at my office door alerts me of the brothers arrival. I urge them to enter as I rise from my desk moving around to stand infront of it. 

"Capo." They greet in unison, bowing their heads respectfully.

I lean against my desk, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Remo, Milo, I have a promotion of sorts to offer." I state in a monotone voice.

I analyze their body language looking for any hints of anxiousness. I cannot rely on uncertain men to protect what's most dear to me. 

"As I'm sure you are well aware of my sorellina's existence, so have our enemies. With that being said, I have chosen the two of you to become her full-time bodyguards." I pause. "I have full confidence in your abilities to protect her. Do you have any objections?" I finish in a cold tone, leaning forward as I raise an eyebrow.

The younger brother, Milo, speaks, "No Capo." 

I hold eye-contact with him for a few moments before shifting my gaze to the older of the pair.

"We are honored to have been chosen for such a task. Understanding the importance of loved ones, you can rest assured we will put her safety before ours." Remo responds sincerely.

I hum in response, continuing to tell them specific details I deem important. Such as upholding her lack of knowledge regarding our real jobs. She cannot know about the mafia.

The Pedrelli brothers take all the information in before we are interrupted by the light patter of feet quickly approaching the door. 

All attention in on the door as it flies open revealing Parker who clutches something in her hand tightly. 

"Enzo! Enzo!" She loudly exclaims entering my first floor office.

I watch as she turns her back to close the door, effectively not noticing the added company in the room.

"What is it, bambina?" I ask, deciding to ignore her lack of knocking for the time being.

If I was truly worried about her entering unannounced, I'd be having this meeting on the third floor. 

As Parker turns around to approach me, her body freezes as she finally recognizes I'm not alone. She take a few slow steps backwards, frightened by the two unknown large men. It certainly doesn't help that their trained faces scream intimidation, especially to an eleven year old.  

"Parker." I state, trying to draw her attention back to me.

Effective in doing so, Parkers head snaps towards me, giving me a full view of her face. Her red, bloodied, bleeding face.

[word count 1141] 

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