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While I watch my family enjoy our cake, I have come to the decision to surprise our sorellina with a long awaited trip

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While I watch my family enjoy our cake, I have come to the decision to surprise our sorellina with a long awaited trip. It will be our little weekend getaway, just me and Parker.

"Parker?" I say, trying to gain her attention.

Still sitting in my lap, she turns her head back to face me. I suppress a smile, noticing some chocolate frosting on her nose.

"Hmm." She acknowledges, mouth full of cake.

Grabbing a napkin, I wipe the frosting off her nose. Her face scrunches up at my action, as she half-heartedly tries to swat my hand away.

"I know it's late but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a trip with me?" I ask her.

Immediately, her face brightens into a toothy smile.

"Of course, I do! Where are we going?" Parker all but shouts in my ear.

We really need to watch this girl's sugar intake, she is wired right now.

"I thought we could go visit your mom, is that something you're still up for?" I respond, silently hoping she still does.

Her whole body shifts in my lap so she is now entirely facing me.

"Really? You mean it?" She asks, searching my face for any hint of dishonesty.

"Yes P-" I start before I am cut off.

Parker launches her arms around my neck, burying her face into my shoulder.

"Thank you, Enzo!" She cries, squeezing her arms tightly.

Though momentarily startled, I return her hug. I rub her back as I feel her body start to softly shake. Is she crying? What have I done now?

I glance at my brothers around the room, uncertainty seems to be evident on all their faces.

"Parks, why are you crying?" Matteo asks, being the mother hen he is.

Parker takes a moment to collect herself before she reveals her face from my shoulder. There are tears running down her face yet she offers a smile.

"I'm just so happy, I haven't seen her si-since she... she d-died." Parker replies.

So, they are happy tears. It's safe to say my brothers and I aren't used to any tears at all, let alone the constant mood changes of a little girl.

"I miss her so much." She weeps, hiding her face again.

Now boarded on our jet, Parker sleeps peacefully, sprawled out on one of the couches. I was correct in assuming we gave her too much sugar as she crashed as soon as we left in the car.

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