Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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I step into my bedroom and look around. Of course, it's the same as I left it. It's late at night and I remember that I was sleepy. But now, it seems like I won't be able to sleep. I don't know what Aiden did to Ethan. Did he leave him in my apartment? Did he finish him off?

I don't know.

I place a gentle hand on my flat stomach as if to comfort that little human inside me. I want my baby to know that he or she has a strong mother. I'm going to protect both of us. 

I'll probably run away the second I give birth, taking my baby with me. But, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do so. He found me at my apartment, He can find me anywhere.

 I feel a hand over my hand resting on my stomach. I know it's him. I know it's him because my heart just gave a massive lurch.

He closes the space between us and wraps his arms around my stomach, my back meets his chest and my face starts heating up.

"How did this even happen?" He asks. I roll my eyes. He's asking as if he wasn't on top of me nearly every night for months.

"You'd know better," I reply. I don't want to talk to him but at the same time, I do. He tries to turn me around in his arms but I don't budge.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop touching me," I tell him. He leaves me but doesn't step away.

"I won't do anything that'll harm our baby." He says. 

Our baby.

He doesn't care for me. He cares for his baby.

He brought me here because I'm pregnant with his child. 

"Good to know," I reply. I have to make sure to keep him as far away from me as possible.

I feel his lips over my shoulder. It's as if he wants me to break in front of him. But I can't.

I won't.

"I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom," I tell him. He removes his lips from my shoulder and sighs audibly.

"You don't have to do this. We can just put our differences aside for our baby." I hear him say.

"I'll think about that when you'll stop killing people," I turn and face him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to get some sleep." I walk past him towards the door, then turn towards him again.

"Tell me you didn't kill anyone tonight." He looks at me and takes a deep breath.

"I didn't. I threw him in front of his place." He says. I nod and turn to open the bedroom door.

"Marilyn, it shouldn't concern you what I'm doing besides running my business." His voice is soft. Desperate even.

I close my eyes momentarily, my hand on the doorknob.

"It does. It does concern me." I try to say something else but no words come out. When he doesn't say anything, I open the door and leave the room.

"Hello, Mrs. Hayes. I'm Eva, I'll be helping you out around the house from now on until you give birth." There's a tall, young woman in front of me, her arm extended towards me. I look at her hand and then back at her face.

She has a nice face, and she seems friendly. I take her hand and shake it lightly.

"Well, I don't really need any help right now. I'm not that far along." I tell her. but what can she do, It's not like I'm going to fire her, I know how it feels to be jobless.

She doesn't say anything but her smile never leaves her face which gets me thinking that maybe she's faking it. 

Of course, she is, Who would want to smile at me? My own husband never does.

But that's a completely different story.

"I'll let you know if I need you," I tell her, maybe I'm being rude but I don't care. I'm currently trying to think of ways to escape from this house so that Aiden never finds me again.

But I'm thankful to him that he got rid of Ethan for me, I'm pretty sure I won't be seeing his face ever again.

Sometimes I wonder how my life would've turned out had I not stepped foot into Hayes and Co.'s massive building.

Would I be jobless? In a toxic relationship? Alcoholic? Knocked-up? On the streets?

Maybe Aiden saved me from all this. 

He got married to me, gave me his name, money, house or should I say mansion? And now a child?

So what if he kills people? that's none of my business? We're going to be a family, I should be happy about that, right?

Am I too ungrateful?

Nope. Nope. Nope. Why am I thinking like that?

He is killing people. Real people. Someone's son, brother, husband, father, and whatnot? Will I ever want my baby to live like that? Because what if he or she grows up to be the next mafia king or queen or whatever it is?

Why doesn't Aiden think like that?

I mean just why?

Thinking of which, Mr.Hayes would have known everything, and still, he requested me to get married to his Mafia boss grandson.

What if he was a Mafia boss and Aiden's father died while being a mafia boss and now Aiden?

Oh my god. I think I might be right.

I've been fooled. Big time.

They all trapped me.

But the question is, why would they trap me?

That's something I need to find out.

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