Chapter 2 - New Friend

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Listening to P'Tay made me realise that he was right. I needed a friend. I needed someone who wasn't going to go run to my brother and tell him the things I said or every step I took. I was lonely in this house, and even if I had my friends from school, I couldn't tell them about the mafia thing, so I was here all by myself. I didn't like that P'Tay was able to read me so easily, just like P'Kim, he knew that someone had broken me.

"I won't tell anyone, and I won't judge you. Believe me, Chay, I've had my heart broken countless times by the same person, and I'm still by his side." He said giving me confidence to trust him

"P'Kim." I murmur

"Who?" he asked

"P'Kim" I said this time louder

"Kim Theerapanyakul?" He asked, surprised, and I just nodded, "How did you and Kim start seeing each other?" He asked curiously but with an understanding look, so I decided I could trust him and tell him the story.

"At that time, I didn't know he was Kim Theerapanyakul, to me, he was just P'Wik, a singer that I really admired and wanted to know. My school took us to the university I enrolled at, and after I sang a couple of songs, I won a game, and he signed my shirt. I still don't know what went through my head, but I asked him if he would tutor me, and he said no. To my surprise, days later I received a phone call from him saying he had accepted being my tutor. He started teaching me, and we became close. I decided that if I passed all my exams that semester, I would confess to him, and that is what happened. That day, we talked nonstop about a variety of things, and I fell asleep on his chest. Then for the next few days we would meet up and do all sorts of things, we spent a lot of time together, and I really thought he liked me just as much as I liked him, but I was mistaken. He just used me to get to my brother because he thought that P'Porche was the mole. When I found out, I asked him if he had ever liked me or if it was just a game, and to him, it was just a game. After that, I did some pretty stupid things, but now I just want to be someone new, one that is better."

"I'm definitely going to teach you how to shoot so you can put a bullet in little Kim." P'Tay said, and both of us laughed. "Does anybody know about you and Kim?" he asked, concerned

"Just you and I think P'Kinn knows that something happened, but he does not know what." I answered and he nodded

"And what stupid things did you do?"

"I miss my university audition, but P'Kinn took care of that, and it's in two days. I also went out without anybody knowing, and I started drinking and almost used drugs." I said ashamed of myself

"Fortunately, Kinn took care of the audition. As for the rest, you are almost 18 years old, and there is nothing wrong with drinking a bit of alcohol, but drugs are not worthy. They are just going to ruin you more. Let's do this. You start training after the audition, and in those two days you just rehearse like your life depends on it, ok?"

"Ok P'Tay!" I said happy

"After I finish with you, Kimham will regret losing you for the rest of his life." He said and then went back to Hia and the others.

I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat since I had missed dinner. I just grabbed a pot of hot noodles and went back to my room, thinking about my conversation with P'Tay. It felt good telling someone about it. I left some details behind, but I think I just needed to get part of it out. I realise I might seem a bit of a drama queen, but he was my first love and my idol. Everything seemed like a dream come true when we were together, and finding out he was just using me completely threw me off.

I was also a bit worried because P'Tay said that he has had his heart broken countless times and that he is still by the side of the person who broke it, so I'm assuming it was P'Time that did it, but they seem such a lovely couple, even more lovey-dovey than Hia and P'Kinn. I didn't understand how that could be, but I'm sure P'Tay is a very strong person and knows how to deal with his problems.

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