Sea Sea

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One thing you have to keep in mind is that history is a popularity contest. Whoever is winning or won at that time gets to massacre what really happened in a vain bid to appear saintly. Trust me on this, I've lived through most of the written ones and some you'll never guess at and your books are full of lies.

Not that I'm here to educate you or anything. Besides, it's not like any of you would care that most of the wars were planned before they even began and both sides agreed on who would win, how much damage would be done.

What, you don't believe me?

Take a hard look at the wars from a financial perspective and you'll see that even the losing side had some fat cats who came out of it even richer. People who were on the wrong side of history but just seemed to fade into the background. Those few they persecuted were never in on the deal and were already slated to be destroyed.

Anyway like I said, not here to educate you about all that. It doesn't matter to me how eager humans are to be deceived. It actually works in my favour. You see I'm immortal and forever young until someone manages to kill me.

And that's the rub of it. I have quite a number of enemies all eager to do away with me. Two cities full of them actually. Good thing I'm very good at staying alive. In the early days, a lot of idiots thought to make a name for themselves by killing me. It took me doing some rather...unpleasant things... to them to put a stop to that. Trust me, you don't want to know.

I wasn't the villainess they painted me but my retaliation cemented the notion, so whatever. What doesn't kill you only requires lots of therapy. Lucky for me I'd found my ideal in that, a group of gals in similar situations. We called ourselves the not-so-villainous. Tacky, I know, but we took any and all opportunities to find humour.

I took my regular seat at the run-down bar we met at every Wednesday, the last to arrive. Mary reached across the table to give me a big hug and despite not being much of a hugger I succumbed to her. It was far much easier than hurting her feelings.

If you haven't guessed, Mary was Bloody Mary. Yes, that Bloody Mary. No, she was far from the cold-hearted witch everyone loathed. Remember my saying about history being a popularity contest?

Anyway, next to Mary was Medusa. And no that's not her real name and I won't be telling you what her real name was before that prick Poseidon and his snooty sister got their claws into her. I mean talk about rewriting history. I mean servant in Athena's temple! Really? Those jerks have a lot to answer for.

Okay so I'm just not going to talk about the other three gals sitting at the table, we also have two others in our little group but they're not here today. It really pisses me off how screwed we became through no fault of our own and had to live for aeons with bad reps. All the while our tormentors are the heroes of our stories. Can you imagine the nobility of characters we have for not raining hell on the world?

"Sorry I'm late guys," I apologized once I was out of Mary's long hug. Thank heavens none of the others were the hugging types too. "I got a bit sidetracked."

"With what?" My friend Queenie asked with a raised regal brow. "You're your own boss."

Okay so once you know why we call her Queenie you'll really laugh. In that omg this is so sad I would be crying if I didn't want to make an enemy out of her.

"Little mermaid posters," I said with an ocean full of bitterness in my tone. I didn't even try to hide it, I owned it.

All my girls winced. They knew how much that stuff got to me. "Ouch." Mary summed it all up in that understatement.

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