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I shifted slightly in my chair, drawing disapproving glances from the kings of the twin cities. I almost laughed, a wry self-mocking laugh, as I'd forgotten where I was. Life had long since gotten to be a routine that never brought in anything new and my mind had wandered. But then that was the burden of having a royal title, of immortality.

I wondered how neither of the kings had reached this state of ennui even after untold aeons. I toyed with the idea that something might just be wrong with me, that I might be one of those males who were never satisfied no matter how much they had. I knew my detachment was only getting worse and caught the worried looks most people gave me. I just couldn't care.

Recently it was taking all I had not to lash out without cause.

As of two days, ago even more dissatisfaction had swamped over me, much more than usual. Nothing unusual had happened, not that I could think of. I just found myself bored and that wasn't a good thing to be for someone with as much power as I did. I was restless too, aching for something I couldn't identify.

At first, I'd thought my soul ached for the bond I hadn't been able to form with Ariel, not without her voice. Only I was even more ambivalent to her than at any time during our aeons together.

"What is going on with you?" My father asked.

I released a deflated breath my heart sinking as I realised I had to confide in the kings before things got out of hand. Before I lost all sense of who I was, what I was supposed to be. "I don't know," I replied, the words coming out through clenched teeth. I hated appearing weak and the aeons had done nothing but make me look weak.

King Oceanus of Atlantica sat back on his throne-like chair and steepled his hands. I sat across from the pair of kings who sat side by side on similar chairs. They each had their own offices but when they had to decide matters or have meetings that concerned both cities they met here, in their shared office. "Tell us."

I'd known uncle Oceanus since I was born and knew the request was just that, yet it came out a command and grated on my nerves. I felt the fire in my blood boil and the earth shifted to my emotions before I clamped down on them with the ruthlessness I was known for.

"That." I grit out as if it explained everything. Both kings responded with bland, patient faces. It should've made me feel better, maybe even ashamed but their lack of reaction inflamed me. Still I had to continue to explain otherwise I might never do. My pride had always been one of my burdens.

"I hate it when my authority is challenged, when you both command me to do anything. I hate it when people are obsequious or look me in the eye for too long." A hard laugh escaped me, all the more disturbing since there was little humour to it. "I know it's all irrational and that makes me even angrier.

I'm always angry. Angry that Tony chooses to leave instead of confronting the problems with our mate. I hate that Ariel seemed to avoid him even when he's around, as if he sees something about her that I can't and she's protecting it."

Father frowned at that as my uncle's gaze became thoughtful. "What do you think it is?" The Atlantian king asked.

I ran my hand through my hair, feeling how much longer it was than it should be. I needed to have it cut but none of the hair people wanted to be around me. "How should I know?" I asked with bitterness. "Neither one of them even admits there's anything wrong."

"Does he still believe she's not your true soulmate?" Uncle asked.

My hand dug into the leather of my seat, an attempt to release the frustration that wanted me to lash out at the two men I respected most in the world. "The elephant that's always in the room." I agreed through my teeth. How I hated the rawness my soul was enduring.

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