Idk I Was Just Thinking About That Quote And Yeah

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"Maybe we could've been friends. If I met you in another life." -- Sabrina Carpenter

"I regret that we meet in this way. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend." — Romulan Commander, Star Trek: The Original Series, "Balance of Terror"

This is class salt, but we're dialing back the Lila salt for this one.

*dramatic record screech like you're rewinding something on TV*

"Marinette? Oh, are you crying?" Lila asked, faking concern for the classmate she hadn't interacted with much.

"No! I'm not!" Marinette sniffled.

"I can sense that you don't like me, but I don't understand why. We barely know each other." Lila reasoned. "Don't tell me it's because of this new seating arrangement in class! It is! Of course, you're jealous because I'm sitting next to Adrien, because you would've given anything to sit there yourself. You know what? It's really not worth fighting over a boy. You and I could be friends, and who knows, I might even be able to help you with Adrien." Lila smiled, a little too wide to be real.

"You and I will only be friends the day you stop lying, Lila! I can't prove it, but I know for a fact that you don't have tinnitus, that your wrist is just fine, that you don't know Prince Ali because you've never even stepped foot in Achu, and despite what you got Alya to write on her Ladyblog, Ladybug has never saved your life!"

Lila bit back a gasp, she had figured it out. "I only tell people what they want to hear." She recovered quickly.

 "It's called lying!" Marinette exclaimed.

"There's nothing you can do about it, anyway. People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear. If you don't want to be my friend, fine! But soon you won't have any friends left at all. And trust me, I'll make sure you never get close to Adrien in class or anywhere. You seem a little less dumb than the others, so I'll give you one last chance. You are either with me or against me. You don't have to answer right away." Lila turned to leave, "I'll give you 'till the end of class tod--"

"WAIT!" Marinette shouted, a little louder than she meant to.

 Lila smirked and turned back around to face her, "Yes?"

"Wait. I, uh, um. . .this is gonna make me sound like a really bad person but. . .I. . .I want you to find out if my friends are my real friends. I feel like they are using me and. . .Well, I'll help you come up with lies, every Tuesday. And, I want you to tell plenty of lies about me, make me sound like Hell's incarnate. I'll try to 'convince' them that you're lying. I won't supply any proof though. If they are my real friends. . . .they should trust me at my word."

Lila tilted her head, "That's fair. . .what's in it for me?"

"If they really aren't my friends, you get a bunch of people hanging on your every word. They will do anything you want." Marinette reasoned.

"Okay, then. Partners in crime?" Lila asked, holding her hand out.

"Partners in crime." Marinette agreed, shaking her hand.

"Tomorrow, Tuesday, I'll come over to your house at 11:30 pm and we'll work out a list of lies to get me through the week. I have enough planned out today, though this was a pleasant surprise." Lila grinned. 

"Oh?" Marinette pouted. "Don't want to be seen with me?" 

Lila laughed, a real one, "If this plan is gonna work, we can't be seen together too much."

Marinette laughed with her, "I guess you have a point."

Lila waved as she left the bathroom. 

Marinette left a couple minutes later.

And that was how it went.  Lila and Marinette had a game playing behind the scenes. Lila and Marinette snuck smiles and winks as Lila lied more and more. And yeah, it hurt Marinette that none of her friends were real, but she had Lila. They got closer and closer as time passed. Marinette had gotten permission from certain celebrities to say the stuff they said, as long as it didn't get out in the open. They had this game going for 4 months, before Lila convinced Marinette to finally call in the lawyers.

"What the hell are you suing me for!?" Alya growled as a lawyer with green dyed hair slammed the papers on the desk.

The lawyer said nothing and handed her a list of things.

"What!? I didn't do any of these!" Alya exclaimed, but her nervous glancing around gave her away.

"Oh, I can assure you, you did. We have enough proof of that." The lawyer, Eliza, said. 

"Well, it doesn't matter! This is ridiculous stuff to sue someone over! Besides, if I'm getting sued for slander wouldn't Lila be, too!? Wait. . .Lila was lying!?"

"Dang she's slow." Eliza mumbled. "Lila was permitted to say those things, because Marinette got permission from the people she was lying about, as long as they didn't get out in the open. You, Ms. Cesaire, got it out in the open."

Lila smirked, "MDC was never my boyfriend, Alya, she was my best friend. Damian Wayne never fought over me with MDC, Damian Wayne was MDC's boyfriend. And Marinette? She never bullied me, never attacked me, never lied about me. Marinette is MDC. And you threw her out because of a few pretty words. But, I think I should thank you, I mean, you are the one who gave me my best friend, are you not?" Lila giggled.

"Girl! You're MDC!? You're dating Damian Wayne!? Why didn't you tell me!? I'm your BEST FRIEND!" Alya demanded.

"Oh, Alya, I did tell my best friend!" Marinette giggled behind her hand as if Alya was being just so silly.

"Wha-- no.  No." Alya stared at Lila, in shock and annoyance and regret. "The Ladyblog! It-- It's full of lies! And when I tore up Marinette's sketch books. . .and broke into her house. . .and-- and destroyed her art projects. . .and texted her all those mean things-- You-- you made me! You witch!" Alya had to be held back by Nino, who like the rest of the class was gaping in shock. Lila. . .Lila had been lying to them. They had done all that stuff to poor innocent Marinette. Who was also MDC. Who was dating Damian Wayne. They could've made it big if they had just had a little bit of faith in her. . .

"Marinette." Adrien stood up, and said in an even voice. "Call this all off. Remember the high road? You have to calm down or Lila or Alya or someone will get akumatized! I thought you were sweet and nice Marinette, but she wouldn't do this! So, be the Marinette we all know and call this off! For me?"

"Oh, Adrien." Marinette said sadly. "You don't see the full picture here. Lila wanted to sue you all, not me. And I haven't wanted to expose Lila in a long time. The sweet and nice Marinette was chased off by you guys, so really you have yourselves to blame! Which reminds me, I'm suing you and Ms. Bustier for gaslighting me!" Marinette smiled, small and shy like the smile he hadn't seen in the last couple months. At least, not directed at him.

"Sue me?! Do you even hear yourself?! My father's lawyers will destroy you!" Adrien vaguely wondered why she would ever try to do something like this to him.

"No, they won't. Gabriel Agreste is on board and even agrees with me. He won't be putting up much of a fight against Eliza." Marinette giggled.

"Now Marinette, what did we say about all the Marinette's in the world? You need to be a good example and--" Ms. Bustier cut herself off, realizing she was only proving Marinette's point.

"Go on." Marinette encouraged innocently.

"Yes, well, Marinette, don't we have to attend that whatever-is-an-acceptable-excuse-to-leave-this-awkward-situation?" Lila asked, noticing everyone had gotten quiet.

"Oh, yes. Wouldn't err wanna be late!" Marinette agreed swiftly, following Lila out of the room. 

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