It's Late And I'm Feeling Like Making You Guys Cry

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.Idk I'm in a shitty mood

TW: Suicide

Nobody thought much of it the first day Marinette was gone from school. Hell, they were practically celebrating! Lila just looked so happy that her tormentor wasn't there and no one wanted to dull her mood! If anything, they were all relieved!

And then they found her body.

She had jumped. The building had been relatively tall, all things considered. From the trail of blood, it was easy to see that the first time Marinette had jumped, she hadn't died. So she had had dragged herself back up and jumped again.

Her classmates were horrified that Marinette would go this far for some attention. For some pity. Even in death, she was as petty as always.

And then a week before the funeral, Lila slipped up. She had ran into the classroom, 5 minutes late with makeup making her look practically throbbing with bruises. Lila had exclaimed that Marinette had attacked her in the alley next to the school, and everyone went quiet.

Rose had whimpered and poured water on a napkin, before walking up to Lila and lightly dabbing it against her skin. Rose burst into tears when the purple eyeshadow seeped into the napkin. And everybody immediately knew what it had meant. Lila had lied.

At first they had fretted for their futures. The opportunities that they hadn't taken because Lila had promised them something better. Alya's credibility was trashed. Nathaniel had been sued for plagiarism. Mylene and Ivan had been collecting money for fake charities (insert whatever punishment you get for that). Rose had destroyed her relationship with Prince Ali. Juleka had missed her chance at becoming a model. Nino had missed his chance at becoming a DJ. Adrien had messed up his father's reputation after Lila was exposed. Kim had taken steroids and lost his reputation as an athlete. Alix had messed up her reputation when Lila gave her some trashy skates for a world-wide competition, claiming they were state of the art.

And then they remembered Marinette.

Marinette had killed herself. And now, it wasn't hard to see why, from Adrien "she isn't hurting anyone" Agreste, to Caline "be a good example" Bustier. Marinette had slowly cracked. In fact, they remembered the day before it had happened. They had cornered her and pushed her down the stairs. Miraculously, she got out with only a few scrapes. But her mental state hadn't.

Alya couldn't believe it. Her best friend— no, she couldn't call her that. Marinette had killed herself because of her. Innocent Marinette who had cried when she stepped on a caterpillar, had killed herself. She was an awful person. She had bullied her for things she hadn't even done. Used things that Marinette had told her in hushed tones, behind locked doors, secrets that she had sworn to never share, against Marinette. She might deserve this, but by god, Marinette hadn't!

And Adrien. He had told himself that she wasn't hurting anyone. That the high road was better because it had always worked when nasty rumours got out! But clearly she had hurt someone. She had hurt Marinette. Their everyday Ladybug. Who he had pulled aside many times because he thought Marinette was going to expose her. He closed his eyes as he remembered her face the final time he did it. Her face had looked like she was giving up, and he was relieved. He had been happy. Because he thought that meant she would give up on exposing Lila, not on life goddamnit! And now she was gone. Plagg wouldn't even meet his eyes anymore. But he deserved it. He drove someone to the point of suicide! Marinette of all people!

And Ms. Bustier couldn't believe it. She had thought that if Marinette had just been a better example, everything would clear up! Everyone would stop squabbling, and everyone would be friends again! But she had pushed her to the brink. She had forced a student to commit suicide! Her star student! The one that other teachers wished they had! The dirty looks they shot her for letting someone in her class suffer through that emotional pain and not at least send her to the school counselor! Or checked in with her to make sure she was okay! And now everyone was sad! Ms. Bustier hadn't even known how much of her work she had shoved onto Marinette instead of doing it herself! What kind of person was she!?

But Marinette was gone. Lila had fled back to Italy. But Marinette was gone. And on her grave the saddest words were engraved:

Marinette Dupain-Cheng


She tried

Dam ok this was depressing but in my defense: it's late. Like idk I'm too lazy to look at the time but it's like, late-late.

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