Chapter 22

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Like the whirlwind the days passed. Everyday Mehek was fed her favourite food and she would go to the hospital, attend a few patients and be back to practice for her Sangeet followed by some or the other request of her mother and lastly she would end the day by spending lots of time with her family.

Renuka had come home as her sister was getting married and she had to spend some time with her, eventually leading to the presence of her husband, Mehek's jiju and they all had a blast.

And tonight she was going to thank them all for everything. She had a surprise performance just for them!

Well, let me tell you, the wedding functions had begun and this afternoon was Mehek's haldi with a twist where she was showered with flowers instead of turmeric paste as she had intense reactions to turmeric paste.

Mehek and Jigar both had the ceremony simultaneously, beside each other and everybody had lots of fun!

Secretly, she saw Jigar admiring her and why not! She was looking beautiful, it was the right of the bride!

Secretly, she saw Jigar admiring her and why not! She was looking beautiful, it was the right of the bride!

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As the ceremony finished and the relatives wandered around the food stalls, Mehek grabbed a fistful of flowers and threw them at Jigar, wishing him a Happy Haldi in her style!

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As the ceremony finished and the relatives wandered around the food stalls, Mehek grabbed a fistful of flowers and threw them at Jigar, wishing him a Happy Haldi in her style!

Jigar who was dumbfounded on her attack, looked around to see if anybody noticed and when he saw none, he sighed in relief. But sadly, Mehek had fled the site to talk to her mother who was fretting over her hair covered in flowers.

After being escorted back to her room, Mehek was subjected to a lot of hands combing the flowers out of her hair. She was almost drawn to tears when a few strands had made a tangle of mess. But bravely she overcame that obstacle and was now sitting in front of the mirror getting ready for the Sangeet.

Mehek herself has so many performances. Being a bride was not an easy task. She was dancing with the groom, her cousins and a solo and also, she had a surprise.

Dressed beautifully in an evening gown, Mehek was standing beside an impeccably dressed Jigar. They exuded made for each other vibes.

After the photoshoot, they were welcomed onto the stage and thus the most entertaining function of the wedding began

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After the photoshoot, they were welcomed onto the stage and thus the most entertaining function of the wedding began.

Performance after performance the couple enjoyed and entertained the crowd. It was now time for Mehek's surprise.

The lights dimmed and a focus light fell on Mehek. With a mic in her hand, she called upon Mahesh onto the stage. She said, " I would not have been what I am if not for you. You made all my dreams come true, even the most notorious ones. I am eternally grateful to be blessed with a father like you!"

Mahesh hugged her tight and soon the song behind complemented the mood.

She next called, Sunita, who with weeping eyes stood on the stage.

" Mom, words fail to describe how much I love you. You have carved me into a strong and sensible woman. You are the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for always being there."

The background score accommodated the emotion and one after another Mehek called her Paternal uncle and aunts followed by Maternal uncle and aunts. She then called her loving grandparents who blessed her infinitely and lastly she called her cousins onto the stage. They all rocked the stage and made a sad Mehek, smiling Mehek.

Her surprise had made the family and audience teary eyed and Jigar was trying hard to control his falling tears.

He knew what it felt like for the family to say goodbye to their daughter. His sister Kinjal had married before him and at that moment all he felt was anger towards his jiju and his family for whisking his sister away. Today, the tables had turned.

After the emotional performance, everyone went to have some rest.

Mehek was sleeping when she recieved a call from Jigar.

" Hi Fiancee!"

" Hello, Mr. Fiance."

" This is our last call as an engaged couple. Tomorrow onwards be ready to be addressed as my wife."

" I was born ready, Mr. Shah.", Mehek gloated.

" We all know how ready you were Ms. Patel. Anyways cherish this 'Miss' for a night because tomorrow onwards you will be a 'Mrs.' !"

Mehek blushed.

Jigar bid her a goodnight and soon Mehek drifted into the sleepy world.

Wn incessant knocking woke her up and Mehek begrudgingly opened the door only for her cousins to enter. They all spent the night with her, talking, pulling legs and most importantly making this night memorable for her!

They all left at close to three in the morning and Mehek drifted into sleep. She had to have her beauty sleep as it was her big day tomorrow!

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