Chapter 28

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A blooming flower brightens the sky and the hearts of people around.

Mehek was amazed by the views she witnessed. They were currently on the train taking them to Zermatt after changing a train in between. This particular train was specifically meant for Zermatt.

The views from the train were amazing. They were surrounded by the mountains, a few covered with snow and water streams flowing on the side. A breathtaking view, in short.

Jigar had to sit on the aisle seat while Mehek possessively asked him for the window seat. He pointed and though Mehek found it cute, she still didn't budge.

She pointed at different points and he nodded, enjoying the weather alongside.

After a few moments the train stopped at the station and the couple got off the train. It was a bright afternoon and they dragged the luggage to the hotel. Jigar completed the necessary process and finally he got a key.

Mehek sighed in relief and they called for the lift. Their room was on the third floor, Room number 305.

Jigar unlocked the room and Mehek entered inside. She saw the bed, the balcony with the basket of flowers and when she looked up, the view mesmerized her. She stared at the town embraced by the mountains on all sides. Skies so clear and blue reflected by the white snow.

Mehek awestruck stood in the balcony breathing in the fresh air and forgetting all her tiredness

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Mehek awestruck stood in the balcony breathing in the fresh air and forgetting all her tiredness.

" Mehek?"

" Mehek?", He called out again.

Still no answer. He came looking for her in the balcony and she was looking outside with starstruck eyes. She didn't even flinch while he was staring at her.

He put his arms around her and pulled her closer into him. She gasped with surprise and looked at the hands only to trace them back to be her husband's.

She turned around and looked into his eyes.

" How are you Missus?"

" Fantastic. How are you Mister?"

" Ohh poor me is simply enjoying the beauty of his beautiful wife." He exclaimed.

Mehek chuckled and turned around to look outside again.

Jigar tightened his grip around her and leaned into her, keeping his head on top of hers and enjoying the view.

She caressed his hands and he smiled at the gesture.

" Don't you want to freshen up?", Jigar asked.

" I wanted to but then I opened the door to the balcony and since then I've been standing here."

Jigar chuckled, " Okay, you have four whole days to stare at this view. Go and freshen up. I'll order some food."

Mehek nodded and went inside to take her clothes out of the bag. She had thankfully packed the bags this time. So no funny business was expected of her friends.

She took out her clothes when she noticed a paper bag in between the clothes. She opened it and saw, lingerie, again!

She saw a letter lying in the middle of the clothes in the bag and took it out.

" Hi Mehek,
I know you were eager not to let us pack your bags but we are also your friends. We secured help and now our task is done.

Mehek didn't know whether to thank God for such friends or beat them up for pulling such stunts. God knows whose help they secured!

She stuffed the bag inside the suitcase and went inside the bathroom.

Jigar had just come in and was about to sit and order something when Mehek called him. He went and stood outside the bathroom and knocked.

She shyly opened the door and peeked her head outside, hiding her body. "Don't order anything. We have plenty of food at least for the first few days. "

He nodded and she quickly shut the door.

Coming out of his haze he chuckled at the moment he just had. His wife was unpredictable. She called him to the bathroom so that he doesn't order food. He lied down and checked his phone, informing others of their arrival.

Mehek came outside and settled down beside him. She grabbed the bag full of food and took a few items out. She offered the food and he joined in.

After having their meal, she asked, " Where should we go today?"

" Are you not tired?" He asked.

" I am. But we can at least go for a walk."

He nodded but a moment later grabbed her and pulled her down on the bed.

" We have plenty of time. You relax first and then in the evening, we will go out."

She nodded and he pulled her closer.

Mehek was a bit uncomfortable in the beginning since she never had such a close moment but his scent made her relax and she let go of her inhibitions for him and in his presence.

Jigar smiled when he felt the drop of an erect attitude and he cuddled with her.

To say they slept off that afternoon and got up really late to roam around. Still as promised, Jigar got ready and waited for her like an ideal husband while she applied makeup.

Around eight in the night, much to their surprise the sun has not set and they could enjoy the evening. They walked around exploring the streets and finally after an hour stumbled upon an Indian restaurant where they had the meal for the day.

At ten in the evening they came back and were still fully awake thanks to their afternoon nap. Jigar pulled her close and she looked straight into his eyes. His eyes looked back into hers risking a glance on the pink lips inviting him. This didn't go unnoticed and with the heated air around they both leaned in.

To say that night Mehek started trusting him with her life and if he had asked, she would have given away her V card. But like the gentleman he was, they took things on a medium pace!

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