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Haruna's PoV:

Ever since we all got out of the simulated Killing Game and began working together with Future Foundation,ive been dating someone named Natsume Komaeda.A girl I met in that traumatic simulation.

Natsume was really smart and soon became a really important member of the foundation.She went up the ranks faster than I could comprehend.

But sadly,the higher she climbs,the more work is placed on her shoulders.To me...it looked like she was being taken advantage of because she was soft spoken and inexperienced in this field.I even witnessed her being used.


A higher up approaches my girlfriend and I as we were chatting in the hallway.Our conversation stops quickly,thanks to the oncoming...problem.


Natsume places a smile on her face,brushing some of her long,fluffly hair behind her ear.She looked so weak and unable to stand up for herself.I place my hands on my hips,pissed.I already knowing how this would go.

"Take this file on the over run islands.I want it edited by the end of the week and handed back to me.Understand?"

The jerk explains.
He shoves the file at Natsume,causing her to stumble and almost drop the damn thing.I felt my blood boil.She was an innocent looking female that was weak when faced with authority.

"Pardon me,but--"

Before I could but in,Natsume grabs hold of my hand and squeezes it tightly,her gaze to the floor.This was her way of telling me not to say anything.I knew for a fact that file was his responsiblity.

"I'll get it done.Thank you."

My wonderful girlfriend hates arguing so she just blindly agrees to everything.

"You better.Im going out for a smoke."

The guys waves his hand dismissively and walks away.He didnt even thank her.I felt rage seething from my body.Once he was out of sight,I couldnt help but mutter...

"You shamless bastard."

It just slipped out.
I hated the thought of anyone using my girlfriend,higher up or not.She's already been through so much back in the simulation,she doesnt need it out here too!!

"Quit it,Haruna.You'll just give yourself a headache."

Natsume sighs,fixing her tie that was part of the uniform.

"Why not speak up?Theyre dumping all their work on you!"

"I-I just need to prove myself and earn my place.Im a worthless piece of trash after all.Im surprised ive even gotten this far...so I cant let anyone down."

She always talked about herself in this way.She was perfect and didnt even see it.I loved her so much that it made my heart ache.

"I have to work on this.I have so much work piled up that this addition will kill my free time~!"

Natsume laughs sheepishly.

"Cant you take the rest of the day off?The bags under your eyes are beginning to piss me off."

I scoff.

"Im sorry I bother you this much Haruna but I have to attend a meeting in abit.You'll get off of work before I do at this point.Im going to re-work my schedule,talk later."

Natsume caresses my cheek before quickly walking away,so stressed with work.I get she was ranked above me but not even I had this much work.

You know its too much when you cant even see your lover when the evening comes even though you live together.Dammit,she even works from home!On weekends!!

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