Part Thirty-Four

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The afternoon came swiftly.

John emailed a meeting request for one fifteen for an "exciting announcement." True to their word, each board member appeared early in the executive meeting room. Those who couldn't attend in person joined the call by one o'clock. 

John was happy to see that Peter Smith was among the first to enter the room.

He tried not to let his excitement show when Peter made his way to him to offer a curt greeting and a low, "Anything I need to know before we start?"

John tilted his head as if he were carefully weighing the question. "No," he said after a beat. "Nothing I can think of."

The members, most aged around their late fifties and some into their late sixties, chatted jovially amongst themselves with the kind of loud voices which conveyed their comfort in and familiarity with the power they held. 

"What is all the excitement for?" Meredith Krum asked. The Chief Financial Officer, board member, and a woman in authority who often found herself surrounded by men, Meredith didn't care for surprises. In the corporate world, shocking revelations often came, and change was something one always had to train themselves to act accustomed to, even though it was often upsetting.

John offered her his most honest smile. "All will be revealed very soon, Meredith."

She gestured to her wristwatch. "The time is getting past one fifteen. I have other meetings, you know."

John nodded. "Of course."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed out a quick message to Adrian: They're starting to get restless.

Just another moment came the reply.

Across the table, Peter stood. He took a brief moment before addressing everyone present.

"Apologies for the delayed start, everyone." Peter's grin was broad.

"Do you know what we're here for?" The Human Resources president asked.

Peter humbly tucked his chin. "I can't say I'm entirely certain what Mister Lawson has called us together for... even if he is somehow decidedly absent from our meeting."

"He's coming," John said. He tried to keep his tone even. He hoped Adrian was on his way up with Jared.

Peter glanced around. "I don't see him, that means he's absent to me." He chuckled. "Your generation isn't familiar with managing your time, but we all sacrificed part of our schedules to be here."

A few sounds of agreement flitted around the room.

John didn't let his body tense in its usual response to these kinds of comments. Instead, he kept his gaze cool and casual as Peter seemed to be sizing everyone up to see whether they agreed or dissented with him.

"Has Adrian ever missed a meeting that he called?" John asked.

"Of course not," Meredith said. She turned. "He's young, but Mr. Lawson has never offered a reason to doubt his being reliable."

Peter shrugged. "I certainly wouldn't accuse young Lawson of showing laziness or any other... unsavory trait shared by his generation. It is difficult to adjust, I'll admit." he laughed. "His father ran a tight ship, and when you're accustomed to a certain standard of excellence, well I suppose it's difficult to let go of the glory days. I'm sure many of you agree with me."

Some smiles and nodding heads provided him with a response.

"It is worth mentioning," a board member interjected. "Investments, in particular, are down this year. What are the stats on that, Meredith?"

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