Part Fifteen

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Peter Smith leaned back in the chair, his feet propped on the desk before him. It was going to be another long week. The days were counting down to the conference the board was attending, and the hospital was three steps in to a sizeable acquisition that was set to be complete by the start of the new year. And after that...

He ran his tongue over his bottom lip.

Every acquisition, every change, brings stress onto a company. The employees would certainly be affected. There would be extensive training for new technology being brought in to the buildings. New faces would be added to the hospital's team. The board would need to head up the initiative to keep up morale and to push the new culture. An acquisition of this size required compliance. It required assimilation. Oh, yes, there would be those who wouldn't want to cooperate. But with a firm hand in place, with a truly strong leader at the helm... the potential of this company could explode. There would be growing pains, yes. But it was time for change.

He looked at his watch. The time was getting close. He drew his feet back in and set them on the ground before rapping his knuckles on the desk. He glanced over it; all was as he had found it.

He pulled the doors behind him quietly, taking one last look before he left. Adrian Lawson's name stared at him from a plaque on the wall beside the doorframe. He reached up and tapped it with his fingers.

Yes. It was definitely time for a change.



A short chapter for this week — and a day early because tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US. Thank you all for reading, and I will see you next week!

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