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Two mysterious individuals are talking about the current situation. Damrada of Wealth one of the three officials of the secret organizations, Cerberus. The second one was an old man. The aura that emanated from him clearly showed that he is a powerful individual. He was the leader of the Seven Clergies. Granbell Rosso.

The seven Clergies, are the highest unit of the Western Holy Church. They receive their orders directly from the god Luminous. They are the masters of the Captain of the HolyKnights Hinata Sakaguchi. Granbell, the Leader of the Clergies was an Hero. He had a deep hatred towards the DL. As a former hero, he had sworn to destroy them all. He challenged the DL Luminous to a duel. He lost. Since that day, he has promised to serve her, while hiding his true intentions. And today, is the day he will destroy his first hurdle. Hinata Sakaguchi.

"Greetings Granbell-dono" Damrada said while bowing

"Damrada I didn't expect to meet you today" Granbell respond.

"I am just here to share my intel as Always you know Granbell-dono"

"Are these informations trustworthy ?" Granbell asked him

"Ark you are hurting me. Have I ever shared false information with you since our alliances" Damrada said with joking face.

"Ahaha I am joking with you Damrada so tell me what's going on."

"Some of our spies spotted Hinata going to the Monsters Country" Damrada said.

"OK, I see. And what is my problem there?" Granbell asked him.

"You didn't get it did you Granbell-dono? This monster country is a threat for your plans. Am I wrong?" Damrada asked him.

"What is your point ?" Granbell asked him.

"You know Granbell-dono, Cerberus is much bigger than you think. We know you want to control the West by becoming the economic hub. But the Country of monsters is having all the attention. And they're becoming a monetary hub in the West. So four your plans isn't it really bad?" Damrada said with a little smile.

"You are pretty well informed Damrada"

"Of course I am Granbell-dono after all it's my job." Damrada respond.

"Your explanation is quite precise but what does it have to do with Hinata's trip?" Granbell asked him.

"Well actually, Hinata planned to talk with the Leader of the Monster country and probably to have an alliance with him." Damrada said.

"An alliance ?".

"Yes if Hinata manages to speak with him, the Holy Empire of Ruberios and the Country of Monsters will form an Alliance and with that, your plan Granbell-dono you can just say goodbye to it." Damrada.

"I see, so we are disadvantaged."

"Not yet Granbell-dono, If something happened to Hinata, who do you think would be responsible? I mean her death, for example." Damrada said with an evil smile.

"The leader of Monsters ?"

"Yes Granbell-dono if Hinata die, the Western Church will surely declare war on the country of monsters. With the power of the Western Church, the Country of monsters will not be able to resist. They will be destroyed and your plans may be reborn."

"Ahaha what a nice plan. But Damrada I planned this all ago. You think you are smart but I know someone even smarter than you. You can enter " Granbell said.

The door then opened and a little girl with a malicious smile on her face entered the room. Damrada he was a little surprised but immediately understood who this girl was.

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