Intermission : World Recognition

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The adventurers now had the green light to explore the labyrinth. Many had already succumbed to the basic traps set by Ramiris. As for Hinata's group, they were making good speed, eliminating the lower-ranked monsters they found in their path. They now faced the guardian of the 20th floor. With the reorganization, Adalman became the 50th floor janitor. Wenti on the 40th floor, then Albert on the 30th. His golden armor covered him, and instead of a katana, there was a sword. A long white sword, glowing and tinged with blue. The holy knights in front of him immediately knew he was a swordsman. Hinata, Arnaud and the others immediately knew who they were.

"A-Albert the Paladin ?" Arnaud said. "Are you really Albert the Paladin ?"

"In a stoic, emotionless voice, Albert replied " I still answer to the name Albert that my glorious master gave me back. And I stand before you today not as the me of the past, but as the guardian of this floor."

"What a forfeiture, me holding you in such high esteem. Putting yourself at the service of a demon Lord" Saare said.

In the blink of an eye, Saare felt a sharp pain run through his body. A part of him was missing. His right arm. He knelt on the ground, clenching his teeth in pain.

"Talking about forfeiture? How ironic. Don't you know who you're blindly obeying? Woman, I imagine you must be their leader. Didn't you tell them who they work for?" Albert said.

Hinata knew the terrible truth. Born human, history teaches us that demon lords, monsters of all kinds, are dangerous to man. Hinata grew up under this dogma. She began her crusade against "evil" at an early age. She was soon enrolled in the Sacred Knights. As time went by, he began to have doubts, and so he investigated and discovered the awful truth.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Enough talking. We are here for the loots. Let's get why we are here for." Hinata said.

" You'll have to kill me for that " Albert respond.

Violent exchanges of swords and monstrous forces were felt. One man against 4. One man against 4 of the world's strongest individuals. He was an exceptional swordsman and his skills never left him. He blocked his opponents' attacks with techniques he had perfected over the years. He moved as fluidly as air, with a disconcerting ease that infuriated his enemies.

"Tchhh who could have imagined he would be so strong" Saare said.

""He's always been a brilliant swordsman with a great reputation." Hinata respond.

"What a shame to work for a demon lord. He who was a saint" Glenda said.

There are some wounds that some people prefer to forget. Memories that must not be mentioned. He still remembers, his master and his comrade, their faith shaken, everything they had placed deep trust in evaporated. They had been betrayed by their master, their souls enslaved. Despite the harm they've caused, a master of boundless kindness and pure heart has decided to take care of them. He gave them a home, friends and a new life. He'd like nothing more than to lose them all again. He swore by his very existence to protect his master at the risk of his life. And there's no way he'd let anyone disrespect his benefactor.

"You've crossed the wrong line. You're a lucky. Here, even if you die, you can always come back to life. May my Lord forgive me." Albert Said

Albert : [Ultimate Technique] - [Mist slicer sword]

With divine calm, Albert disappeared in front of Hinata and his team. He was nowhere to be seen. A glimmer of light appeared, and before they could think of anything. Hinata and her team lost their heads. Cut off quickly and precisely, Hinata and the others could understand nothing. Their bodies lay there on the ground in front of Albert. He looked at them with disdain and hatred, and saw their bodies turn to dust before disappearing.

"May my lord forgive you." He said before disappearing into the shadows.

Outside the labyrinth, reactions were unanimous. It's impossible for them to capture the labyrinth. The limit for adventurers was level 30. So everyone was wondering about the strength of the bosses on the various higher levels.

"This country is definitely dangerous. Not only the tournament but now the labirynth, we have to be very careful." The leaders of some countries were starting to say.

"I really like that Rimuru. In his country, I haven't seen any sad or unhappy inhabitants they deeply adore their master and I have the impression that it goes both ways. I'm really looking forward to forming an alliance with him. The King of a country said.

Gradually, the remakes became positive and the intentions of several alliances were already echoing. Rimuru had something he'd wanted for a long time. World recognition.

To be Continued..........................

Next Chapter : [Festival Ending]......................................

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