Chapter 1 : Arriving

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(A/N- Osiris ain't gonna be in this story cause I personally don't like him)

It happened all of a sudden no one could detect any magic or divine power.

As soon as Isis opened her eyes she was in a unfamiliar space. Around her many of her family was in the same state of disarray trying to find the cause of  the mass teleportation.

It was in the middle of Seth's trial that it had happened. So many of the gods are trying to find the 'evil' god as he was missing after they opened there eyes.

"Hello, my name is Ryu. I will be your host for this reaction." said a soft female voice now identified as Ryu.

Every turned to what the assumed was the front of the room. Standing there was a young girl 10 to 15 at most. With long black hair with red streaks. She was wearing a black dress with gold embroidery and many jewels.

"Miss Ryu, why is it that we are here? Also what happened to Seth?" questioned Maat.

"Oh, His highness is back at his palace getting the damage on his soul healed." explained Ryu with a wide smile.

"His Highness?" questioned Thoth. Many was thinking the same Seth was not a Pharaoh anymore.

Ennead react to Seth AUsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ