Chapter 7 - Exhibition idea

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You sat the team down in the living room, nervous about voicing your idea. This exhibition was probably the biggest one yet. With over twenty planned pieces, you had actually been working on it for quite some time, having gotten the idea just as you left for the Vatican.

"Now, I understand if you want no part in it because it will get very personal, but... my next exhibition is going to be about you guys- about heroes generally," you start off gentle, "so many people see us as anything but... normal- almost like we're invincible, but you have to admit we're not,"

"Yeah, if we were I wouldn't be getting leg cramps while on a mission," Bucky mumbles.

"You're just old," Sam coughs.

"Exactly! Not the old part... I mean you are over a hundred- never mind," you dismiss, "but that, shit like leg cramps,"

"Language," Steve warns.

"And getting air sickness, or hungover... some of us," you glare towards those unaffected by alcohol. "And... scars," you finally say, knowing this would be an iffy topic for some. "We all have them, like my one from Japan, Pietro's from Argentina, Sam's from France and Clint's from... everywhere,"

He rolls his eyes, but doesn't deny it, only asking "so you want to exhibit us?"

"No," you cross your arms, "I want to exhibit us, the normal aspects, the mundane," taking out your sketchbook, you show sketches of all sorts of situations, "things that everyone has, like nostalgic memories- hell, even Anna said they'd be able to get reference photos from vigilantes like Moon Knight and Daredevil,"

"To be fair they know everyone," Nat reminds, "pretty sure they're dating Daredevil,"

"Doesn't matter," you wave your hand, "just-... are you guys okay with it?"

The team looks between one another, all giving one look and smiling, "of course we are," Steve was the first to stand and approach you. He was the person you'd spend most afternoons drawing and ranting about future ideas, one of the main supporters of your exhibitions. He and Nat would even drag Bucky and Sam to the exhibits on opening night just to support you.

"I'll figure out different times for personal pieces but thank you all so much," you give them all a big hug.


Despite the large studio given by Stark... it still seemed too small to fit every processing photo, painting in the works and sculpture. By the next week, Tony had even seen this; he was just coming to ask if you needed anything from the grocery store before Peter, Vision and Wanda went, but accidentally knocked down a painting, luckily one which was dry, when opening the door.

"Shit, isn't this a little cramped??" He looks around.

"It's all I got Stark... not that I'm not grateful for you giving me- oh just ignore me, what do you need?" you toss your paint splattered apron to the side.

"About to head to the grocery store, need anything?" he eyes the room, already planning to upgrade it.

"Nah, I'm good," you shut the door after ushering him out, "I need to drop a painting off to MoMA, I'll be back tonight," it was obvious your schedule was becoming more hectic, and this was evident even to those who didn't live in the tower.

"Stark, Banner said I'd find you-" Stephen steps out a portal just in front of you, "oh."

"Out the way, clown," you move around him, grabbing your keys and a bag.

Stephen gave a look of offense before spotting Tony, "what did you say?"

"Why is that always the first thought?" Tony's face fell, his hands stuffed into his pockets, "L/n just has too many projects that studio is practically overflowing," he nods his head over, "problem is there aren't any free floors left, and extending this one would mean we either get rid of other things or... well that's it,"

"Stressful, I'm sure," he hands over a file, "Wong and I will be absent from Earth, we have problems with the purple dimension so these are other sorcerers incase you need help as well as their expertise," layered were profiles and skills as stated.

Tony decided against question whatever the 'purple' dimension was, instead taking out his phone and inquiring, "when are you back?"

"A weeks time, I suppose, depending on how cooperative Aggamon is," a sudden ping reaches his phone, "what the- a party? Really?"

"Hey, just making sure everyone is available," he walks off, "besides, it's only drinks between the team and a few others like you,"

"You know you had one a few weeks ago, right?"

"Fine, if it eases you and Roger's old hearts then we can go to a nice bar, I'll prove it's a small gathering," he grumbles, changing the address to a nice bar downtown, "there. Now you better turn up because I have an announcement,"

"So excited," he waits until Tony leaves the floor, the elevator descending and leaving the sorcerer on the empty floor. He glances back and forth between the studio and his sling ring. Surely it wouldn't be questioned too much.

Stephen raised his hands, twisting and gliding his hands across the air to expand the room from within, nothing changing in the exterior. A simple spell adapting the room and causing it to be twice it's size within. All the paintings were rested seemingly in the same space, but this time with a wide space between each other. Curiousity got the better of him, of course, his eyes skimming around the room; one wall stood out, photos of every hero as well as reference to certain parts of them you apparently wished to focus on.

However it seemed one photo had been torn down, the space now vacant. In the trash was a card that said 'moonknight' now crossed out with a red sharpie; the same marker now wrote down 'not available'.

So now missing was one hero of the few you chose, and the deadline was nearing.


Just left my bfs house after he gave me a big talk about how I'll do amazing with my presentation

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Just left my bfs house after he gave me a big talk about how I'll do amazing with my presentation

Which is why I also want to thank you all for your lovely words last chapter! As a treat I'm releasing this chapter and one after my presentation

Of course it would have to be on my way home since I have to do a few things for the University's Indonesian club I'm a committee member on (small flex oo yuh)

- Anna ❤️

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