Chapter 6

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As i snapped myself back i replied, "I am sorry your majesty but i do not fit the role as crown princess."

"Why do you say so?"

"I just think their are people who are much more worthy in that position, if i do say so myself."

He gave off a bitter reply and said, "Hmm, is that so?"

The luncheon ended awkwardly after our conversation with the emperor, it was so sufficating that i wanted to leave immediately.

But luckily its over now and i got out, and since i promised prince Clayton to visit him i immediately went to his Chambers, he lives at the furthest part of the palace.

At first it was very confusing since the Palace was so big but luckily i made myself through as i entered his part of the palace a Knight came forward and asked me, "Who are you?"

As i looked at him i thought, if i remember correctly he is Marco Bale the most loyal Knight that Clayton had, He was like Clayton's only father figure since he basically raised him cause the emperor did not hire a nanny for him cause it was to risky, so the emperor asked a knight to take care of his illegitimate son and ordered him to protect clayton.

I bowed, "Greetings sir knight, i am Luna Castile Verdorous and i am here to visit a friend of mine."

He looked surprised and ask, "What do you mean?"

A voice then interrupted us by saying, "Let her come through sir Marco."

As he heard his voice he bowed, "Well if you say so my liege.", he glared at me and went back to his position.

Ahh, its seems like he doesn't like me.

Clayton then approached me and said, "You really did visited.", while giving her smile.

I replied, "Of course, i never break my promises."

"Well since your here let's drink some tea."


He guided her to the small table and she sat down, honestly his Chambers is really eye pleasing i like it, its quiet and peaceful.

"Wait here while ill go grab us some tea."



"Aren't there any servants?, why dont you ask them to get it?"

"Ohh, well honestly its just you, me and marco that is inside my chambers i don't have any servants or whatsoever."

I was really saddened when i heard those words although the emperor took responsibility of keeping him alive and raising him,
he never once acted like a real father to him or gave him any sort of attention.

"Then let me help you prepare them."

"Bu-but your my guest."

"Don't worry, its better if we do them together."

He smiled and replied, "Well if you say so my lady."

Both of them made tea together although in her case it was a form of helping him but in his case of scenario it was one of the best things that could ever happen to him a core memory where each minute was valuable.

As it was finished both of them talked and enjoyed the tea that they both made.


Happy Ending For The Tragedy Side CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now