Chapter 15

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So if i try to do something bad to him ill probably be the one who would die first, also their probably hiding here listening to our conversation but i have no intention of doing such thing, although i don't like him i don't hate him that much to kill him.

A word finally came out from the emperors mouth saying, "She's right marquise your actions was a bit to much."

The marquise reacted quite sadly and apologise once again.

As the emperor accepted my request to have a private conversation, he told the marquise to go outside and wait for the conversation to end.

When he left and closed the door i looked and the emperor and said, "As my previous conversation stated, why did you send such a letter to my father your majesty."

He grinned, "Was it already stated that i want you to become crown princess?"

I was somehow upset by his response but i replied, "Yes it was there, but my question is why did you choose me out of all the noble women in the empire? Is it because of my father's power in nobility or was it because of my beauty?"

"Neither of them, its because for the first time that i saw you i knew the position empress suited you, when you introduced your self that night you bowed so elegantly and beautifully your posture your manner of speaking and your eyes that represented determination, you just fit the role. I have never seen such a noble lady before, if you were my daughter i would've given you the most highest position in the empire but sadly your not."

Wait if he says things like that, does that mean he doesn't view his son as the right person to succeed the throne? Although this type of conversation doesn't appear in the story since it focused more on the romance part, but i never knew that this is how he truly feels about giving his son the throne.

I told him, "Your majesty, does that mean you don't have any faith on your son to become a great emperor?"

He looked at me and said, "Very much so."

Although this person right in front of me is a bastard, but he truly does care about the empires future he's a great ruler but a bad father, i can tell you that.

I bowed my head and stated, "Thank you your majesty for having such a high opinion about me but it seems like your son is already interested in someone else."

He raised his eyebrow and asked, "Who are you perhaps referring to."

"Its my little sister your majesty, it seems like he's already quite fond of her."

His eyes widened he was somehow surprised about knowing it, "Lady Lauren huh, haiz.. So that bastard is already in love with someone else."

He continued his statement by, "Its seems like i cant meddle on my sons lovelife anymore, also im not gonna reject it since lady Lauren is also an impressive lady, so it is what is it then."

"Your Majesty just please trust your son, and if they do ended up together i think the empire will be in great hands."


Happy Ending For The Tragedy Side CharacterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora