chapter 9

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Nomzamo's POV

Its already a Friday the Time is 12:33 school ends at 13:00

Today me and Lee had plans to go to gateway for a fun day nje you know to spend sometime together and luckily these days my mom literally agrees on other days she used to refuse

And I am not complaining at all this is life I just don't want to take advantage
Me and my boy .. mpumelelo have been the best at this trying out things I know most of the things about him in just week

I just love the fact that when he's with me he can be himself he's cool and also funny each and every day when I come back from school actually before I sleep we have video calls even if it's just for a minute or 5

I didn't tell him and me and Lee were heading to pavillion today I mean I don't need to report that and I'm thinking of telling him that I'm ready to be his girlfriend Because yohhh he is the best

The last period was English and it's already finished since she spent the last 35 minutes talking about life experiences

The bell rings and students start packing and leaving I don't like leaving while they are still pushing each other like this outside the corridors so I mainly head out when it's getting less busier

Lee comes into my class looking all happy


Me:"hey bunny"

Lee:"I seriously hate that word "

Me:"I love it "

Lee:"let's go "

I take my backpack and leave the classroom

Lee takes out her iPhone and requests for an Uber and luckily for us it's only like 5 minutes away

The driver mongezi calls and tells us he's already by the gate
He looks young to be an Uber driver but then I'm not judging now am I

He both get in the back seat we both aren't fond of the front seat the car ride is silent the driver tries making conversation here and there and boy it's a disaster

He parks the car at the 6th entrance and I'm not complaining or anything we still wearing our uniforms skirt ,a shirt a jersey ,long socks and long braids

We first head to cotton on just to window shop you know things we are yet to buy during this month

Me:"I'm hungry mina manje "


Me:"you read my mind "

Me:"let's go "

We leave for Macdonald's

The store is not packed so it doesn't take long for our turn they give us our order number and we wait in the side of course we taking pictures

A cold hand making me shiver covers my eyes I wonder who this is ?

Me:"Lee who is this?"

Lee:"just play the guessing game "

Me:"nawe futhi uyangilahla"

Lee:"just think ke"

Me:"I'd like to think it's lelo but I don't know where lives but maybe it's not close "

The person removes their hand I turn around and's him he's wearing dunk Nike air Jordans ,khaki shorts ,a black Adidas  t-shirt

Me:"hey "

He hugs me I jus pray that nobody familiar with my family saw me

I hug him back obviously and ooooh his perfume is doing wonders shame I'm pretty sure I already smell like him

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