chapter 67

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Nomzamo's POV

I run up to her and hug her ,and i let it all out and just cry I truly missed her this is the best surprise ever I missed my better half and it's been so long since we talked

Zama:"hey liya don't cry "

I sob in her arms mom is already comforting me too and we are now group hugging

Me:"I missed you so much "

Zama:"I'm really sorry "

Me:'why didn't you come back home ?"

Zama:"I had a thesis thing and plus I got a new job "

I hug her tight

Zama:"ma I'm going to take her upstairs to her room just a girl talk "

Ma:"okay then "

We walk upstairs to my room and nothing has changed it's still the way I left it
We sit on the bed me just laying down on her lap and she is playing with my hair something we have been doing lately

Zama:"you are such a cry baby "

Me:"bengithi awusangifuni "

Zama:"uyahlanya remember our promise "


Me:'zama you leaving me already "

Zama:"I'm going to come back "

Me:"but why live so far away from home "

Zama:"because it's my dream please under let's make a pinky promise "

I put out my pinky promise and we entertwine them

Zama:"side by side or miles apart we will always be connected by heart "

I hug her tight not wanting to let her go I hate the fact that this is goodbye to my sister I hate goodbyes


Us:"side by side or miles apart we will always be connected by heart "

I hug my sister for the hundredth time gosh I really missed her so damn much and plus she came at the exact perfect time just when I'm at my worst

Me:"Zama can you please accompany me tomorrow"

Zama:"no problem sis now get some rest I have a lot planned for us"

She kisses my cheeks and leaves,leaving me with my room and trailing thoughts

Nolwandle's POV


I wake up sweating ,it was only just a dream something is wrong here it's been so long since I got dreams like this and honestly they are creepy

I sit with my butt on the bed it's still dark outside so I'm guessing maybe it's midnight
I glance at my window and there's an owl it's so creepy i feel my hair standing on end okay I'm definitely sure that something wrong and very wrong is happening

I'm pretty sure all of this is connected !!
After a long time debating with my body on what to do I finall doze back to sleep I might see this later on in the morning before I do that I kneel on my bed side and pray that's what helps sometimes

I'm woken up again by what feels like wind in my bedroom,the curtains are flying on their own what the actual fuck is going on
I'm freaking out right now ,I sit upright in the bed and glance around and my eyes land on a silhouette standing at th far end of my room

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