Chapter: 6

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Date: 12/10/22


You never fail until you stop trying.



It was now night of an eventful day. Shruti and I told our parents that we want to know each other first then we can think of getting married. Luckily both families took our decision positively. Then we had dinner with Ranade's.

There family was pretty much like our family. Fun, loving and honest. I had a great time. Dada, Shruti's dada means Rohit and I gelled up with Cricket as our common topic.

Sakshi vahini and Shruti's vahini Namrata, Ananya and also Shruti were also constantly talking about something.

Both the parents gelled up nicely.In short we had a great time.

Now I'm lying on bed just thinking about my future. I'm going to be talking to a girl, getting to know her and her family. She might be my future bride, my better half! Am I ready for this?

You know I never even have slightest confusion regarding any mission my seniors put me through. I crack it within minutes. But marriage... it's a pretty tough decision. A BIG decision.

I heard a knock on my door, there came Ananya with glass of milk. I can't sleep at night without a glass of milk.

"Here is your Milk dada." She placed it on the table.

"Thank you bahinabai. Come sit for a while." I wanted to talk to her about that thing.
(Bahinabai means Bahina means sister, bai means lady in marathi. So it's just dearly way of calling sister.)

"Yes dada, wanna talk about how to court vahini.?" She winked.

"First of all, she is not your Vahini yet. Second I can handle to court her."

"So then what do you want to talk about?"

"Is there anything you need to share with me? Trust me you will feel better."

"No dada. There is nothing. Why are you asking me this suddenly?" She started playing with her tshirt, thing she does when she is nervous.

"Are you sure Ananya?" I asked with a stern voice. It is needed sometime.

She looked at me, her breathing stated she is thinking.

"Actually dada I...."

"Yes go on doll."

"I had a relationship with this guy. And he turned out to be a complete asshole. At first everything was good. He was really amazing. But after few months he started acting out. He was cheating on me with 2 girls. I confronted all of them. And of course I'm not with him now."

Oh god!

"Okay so is there anything due to all this which is bothering you? Is that guy still troubling you?"

"No not now. I mean he was. He was constantly asking me take him back. He was really after me. But I came to know he is still with some girl while begging me to take him back."

"Does vahini knows about this?"

"Yes dada and vahini they both know. I told them this. How did you know this? Did vahini or dada tell you this?"

"I'm in the Army doll. I do know how to see stuff."

"Okay Army man!!"

"So are you okay now?"

"Yeah. But now I'm unable to trust any guy even my friends. That guy just made a whole lot worse when it comes to trusting someone."

"Hey. Don't do that. Not all guys are like him. There are plenty plenty of fishes in the sea as you know. Each with different characteristics of there own. Got it? Meet guys. Fall in love. No need to stop just because of one bad experience."

"Can't believe I'm hearing you say this. I was expecting a different reaction all together." She chuckled.

"What?! Did you expect me to yell at you for having a boyfriend or a bad relationship? Having a boyfriend at your age is absolutely normal. And going through a bad relationship isn't your fault in this case."

"Do I see this reaction because of my future vahini dada?" She pinched my nose.

"Ananya!! You doffus! I met her today for the first time. We didn't even talk that much. And you are saying this is because of her?"

"Okay okay. But you like her right? Of course you like her!! Look who's blushing!! My dadasaheb!!!"
(Dada means elder brother. Saheb means sir. A bit funny yet respectful way of calling brother.)

"Haha funny. And I'm going to kill you.." Saying I launched myself at her.

She started screaming "Kabir dada, Sakshi vahini!! Agent Ananya needs help!!!"

"No one's gonna come you idiot!!" I twisted her one ear and other hand.

"Oouchhh!! Dadaa!! You are in freaking Army for heaven's sake!! Leave me." She started jumping.

I pushed her out of my room. "Go to your room and let everyone sleep!" Saying I closed the door.


I was laying wide awake on my bed remembering about today's events. What an eventful day I had! I was damn wrong when I assumed Anurag to be a goon to follow me.

After that when we had a small chat in the terrace garden, I couldn't help but find him very handsome. Well, this is just about his physical attribute. You can't marry a guy just because he is handsome.

When we talked, he was quite good. He seemed pretty understanding. Being in the Army, he can understand my profession very well I'm glad about that. He is witty too. I like this quality in people. Wittiness.

Other than that time will decide. We are going to meet often so that we know each other from every perspective. I just don't want to meet him on dinners. I want to meet him on breakfast, when he is doing some work, or where we are playing something, in short when we are doing the most random things.

With all this it can help to know how this person is. Not just on fancy dinner dates.

I got his phone number from dada. He also asked me about Anurag. But I said we need time to know each other. His and vahini's was love marriage so that time we didn't need to do all this. He said he is with me all the time.


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