Chapter 19

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It was third day of Anurag's mission. Three days of not being with him. Not talking to him. No contact at all. I knew this will happen when he will go back to his camps but I didn't want it this early. I needed time to prepare.

My project on Rashid Ali was done. Reports, graphs everything was presented in front of my seniors and PM. They were happy with my work.

I was now on my other project. Naina was on leave for few days. She was attending her cousin's marriage in Delhi. It is the same cousin she set me up with once. Yes this is Naina guys. She had set me up with quite a few people. Couple of them were genuinely good but due to some reason or so it didn't work out.

Anyways I'm glad it didn't work out because then how would I meet Anurag?

Thinking of which should I make a phone call to him? If he is free he will pick up. If not, then okay.

I was about to dial his phone number when the office boy came to my desk with an envelope and beautiful lilies.

"Shruti ma'am this is for you. It was delivered at the reception."

I was surprised. Was it Anurag? But why envelope?

"Ok thanks Satish." I took the white lilies and envelope.

I kept the lilies aside and opened the envelope. It had a piece of paper in it. There was something handwritten. Wow!

To my dear Shru,

I know you must be wondering why this? So let me tell you a secret. I like to write letters to my loved ones. I think it gives a little personal touch.
I'm sorry for not contacting you at all in past three days. It's been rough out here. No no don't worry. I'm healthy and safe. But we did lose few of our guys here. Even Gaurav is injured a bit. He is fine now.

I will be returning by Sunday morning. Can we meet for breakfast on Sunday?

Shruti I really miss you. Like terribly. Now that I'm not able to have contact with you, I'm getting to know how much I have got used to you, your voice, your laugh.

What's going on with you? Any new project which needs my help?

Anyways, I have got to go. Please don't worry about me. My family have got used to me being on borders. But now, you are my family too. You have to get used to this.

Meet you soon. Xoxo.

P.S. You will have to get used to my letters too.

I had tears while reading his letter. Damn! I'm so emotional right now. I have never been this crynie winie.
Anurag's emotions....I could feel them from his letter. Thanks to this letter I know he is safe and also now I miss him more.

I wrote a message, Can I call you right now? I hope he says yes.

He typed... Yeah sure.

I dialled his number instantly. He picked up in first ring.

"Hi.. Anurag." I waited to hear his voice so desperately.

"Shruti!! I'm missing you." You wouldn't know how much relief I felt listening to him.

I chuckled at his response, "what do you think? I'm not missing you?"

"Two more days Shru. Did you get my letter?"

"Of course I did. Mhanunach phone kela mi. Thank you so much for the letter. I loved it. And I miss you too. Very much." 
( Translation: That's why I called you.)

"I'm glad you liked my letter. Before sending it to you i was a bit confused whether you will like it or not."

"Now you know. I will be waiting for your letters when you go to your Army base."

"Alrighty then. I have to hang up. Everything is okay there?"

"Yes all okay. Yesterday I went on shopping date with Ananya, Sakshi vahini and Namrata vahini."

"Oh that's nice. I'm really happy you guys are gelling up."

"Yes they are amazing. Now you hang up or we will keep talking and your seniors will scold you."

"Okay okay to be wifey. Bye. See you soon."

"Take care bye." I blushed at to be wifey. He is such a romantic.


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