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Yibo's Pov.

After our wonderful day out Cindy took me back to the street near my home. I waved her off and began the trek back to my house. She told me she would explain the first step of her plan tomorrow at school. Man, I wish there was a way I could get out of this, it's too late now though.

I snuck into the house. My father was home, but I guess he was in his room since he wasn't anywhere in sight downstairs. Lucky for me. My bag was next to my bed as I made my way to my room. The only thing left to do is go to bed. I brushed my teeth, showered, then got out a book. I read while I fell asleep. It felt so good letting myself be enveloped by my much-needed rest.

The next morning, I quickly had my bath, brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag, and ran out of the house without my father catching me. I was heading over to the diner to see if they were still offering any jobs. It took a couple of minutes to get there, so I would still have plenty of time to get to school.

"Welcome!" the woman greeted me as I entered through the door.

"Uh, hi. Are you still offering that job?" I asked, scanning the shop for any help wanted signs. To my disappointment, none were in sight.

"Oh, I know you!" she exclaimed, pointing at me. I blushed and stiffened a little at her attention.

"Lucky you, we have one more position left. Someone came around the other day taking the dishwashing position. I forget when he's starting' though." She informed me. My eyes lit up. This is great. Now I'll finally be able to eat properly and pay for my things, even if not that much.

"I'll take it!" I accepted hastily without knowing the details of the job.

"Great, when can ya work'?" She. asked, pulling out a clipboard.

"Is tomorrow fine?" I asked. I wasn't sure if it would be the best time, but I needed to work as soon as possible.

"Sure! Your shift is from four-pm to seven-pm. You'll be manning the front desk. 'Of course, I'll be there to help ya too if ya need anything." She informed.

This seemed like it could work. It will disappoint Cindy since we won't be able to hang out as often, though.

"Would ya like a slice of pie or anything before ya go?" She asked over her shoulder, behind the counter.

"Uh yeah, sure." I accepted. I came here for a bit after all.

"Alright, pull up a chair. I'll be there with yo' order in a sec." She informed. I did as she said and watched as she moved from shelf to shelf. Soon enough, I had a slice of pie sitting in front of me. It was just as delicious as last time.

"Before ya go, can you help me with something?" She asked while she organized her counters.

"Sure, what is it?" I questioned simply, standing up from my seat.

"I need some help liftin' some boxes in the back. I got a shipment of graham crackers today and Micheal ain't arrived yet." She explained, still a little preoccupied. A curious look popped into my face.

"Oh, right, Micheal works here in the back room. He organizes all of our ingredients and lifts heavy things for me." She answered, knowing what I was curious about.

I followed her into the back room and began stacking the boxes of graham crackers where they belonged. Great, working before I even officially start my job.

"What do you use these crackers for?" I questioned as I lifted one of the heavy boxes.

"I crush them up and use them in my pastries, like the crust o' my pie, for example." She explained. That would explain why it reminded me so much of Christmas cookies.

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