Chapter 1: A Kings Return

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It was any normal for many people well if you could call it normal for a certain boy named Izuku Yagi. Throughout his life he always felt different than everyone besides the fact he didn't have a quirk.

He always felt there was more about him than he realized. Throughout his life he has been subjugated to massive amounts of bullying and neglect from his family and friends. Well except for his new girlfriend Shoka Todoroki, she was the only one out of everyone who believed he could be a hero.

The only main difference between the two siblings was that Izumi had green hair and eyes. While Izuku had white hair and purple eyes.

Shoka took the time to train with him to help build some muscle and it did pay off alot.

Today was the last day of middle school and the teacher walked in with some papers in his hands.

Teacher: Alright everyone now today were going to be discussing your future.

This caused everyone to groan.

Teacher: I'm just kidding! I know you all want to be heroes!
He said as he threw the papers in the air.

The class got excited and used their quirks except for a few people.

The teacher calmed everyone down and told them that they weren't allowed to use their quirks in public.

This seemed to tick Izuku off a bit but he didn't show it.

Teacher: Alright so we have a few people that'll be going to UA.

This seemed to shock a few people as they began muttering to themselves.

Teacher: Alright we have the Bakugou twins, Todoroki twins and Izumi.

Bakugou then began to exclaim as he stood on top of his desk looking like an idiot.

Teacher: Oh yeah, Izuku aren't you going to UA?

Everyone looked at Izuku who held an emotionless stare.

Izuku: Yes, I plan on going to the hero course there. But if I don't get in then I'll see if I can get in Shiketsu instead.

Teacher: Ahh, that would explain why you signed up for both. Well in that case I'll be rooting for you.

This put a smile on his face as the teacher was one of the only other people besides Shoka who believed he could be a hero.

Though the moment was ruined when a certain pomeranian had something to say.

Katsuki: DEKUU!!!

He said as he blew up his desk sending him to the ground. Shoka ran to him making sure he was ok.

Katsuki: I thought we told you to quite it! You can't be a hero without a quirk!

Izuku: Than answer me this Katsuki Bakugou...
He said as he stood up and looked at him in the eyes.

Izuku: What the hell gives you the right to say what I can and can't do with my life?
He asked with venom.

Katsuki didn't have anything to say.

Teacher: Alright that's enough both of you! Bakugou sit down now. Or you'll spend some of after school in detention.

Katsuki: Tch.

He sat back down with a bit of a growl. While Izuku got up with the help of Shoka.

After classes ended Izuku was talking with Shoka on what they were going to do for training. They were about to leave only to be stopped by Izumi and her group.

Izuku: What the hell do you lot even want?

Izumi: We want you to quite.

Izuku: Excuse me?

Shoto: We want you to quite. We want you to stop with this nonsense about being a hero quirkless.

Izuku: Why do you even bother caring? Last time I checked you never bothered caring about me. Hell Izumi, mom and dad never even bothered to take care of me. So why are you all so hellbent on me trying to become a hero?

Katsuki: Because a quirkless loser like you can't be a hero! So why don't you just do all of us a favor and quite! Infact I have an idea of how you can get a quirk.

Izuku raised his brow though he still held his emotionless stare.

Katsuki: Why don't you take a swan dive off of a building and pray for a quirk in your next life!

This made Izuku's eyes widen in shock. Even Shokas were as well. Those who heard it were shocked as well, Izumi and Katsumi were shocked the most when they remembered why they followed this plan.

They were going to tell them off only to be cut off by the sight if Izuku walking away with a worried Shoka behind him.

After a while the two walked under a bridge only for izuku to just fall to uis knees bursting into tears.

Shoka: Zuzu!

She went down to his level onky for him to embrace her tightly. She hugged back feeling nothing but regret as he was taking all of this on himself. Nit even telling anyone else about what goesmkn in his life.

Izuku: That dumbass! That asshole! What if I really did it!

Shoka: Shh, it's ok Izuku.
She said as she rubbed his back.


Shoka: ZUZU!

Izuku was clutching his head in pain. He didn't know what w a going on. He started having memories that weren't even his start flooding his mind.

But then....

Sludge Villain: Well what do we got here!?

This scared shoka a bit but was ready to fight.

Sludge Villain: Normally I'd go for just one person, but hey! Maybe I could use your body when I'm done getting a new one.

Izuku who just heard this was absolutely furious. The sludge Villain charged past Shoka and went straight towards Izuku.

Shoka: Izuku!!

He just turned around and punched the villian causing him to splatter all over the area.

Shoka looked at him with wide eyes and an open mouth as she just saw her quirkless boyfriend stop a villian.

Shoka ran up to him making sure that he was alright. Only for him to reassure her that he was perfectly fine. He told her that he'll meet up with her another time and walk the rest of the way home.

Though she didn't want to leave him alone. She reluctantly did so. After she left Izuku just looked at his hand as it shaked and trembled a bit.

Izuku: So it seems I was reincarnated. I feel sorry for this poor boy. Being treated differently over something he has no control over. Even trying to push him to the brink of's just....revulting.
He said with disgust.

Izuku or the now reincarnated Hades if you will started walking away thinking of what to do now. He couldn't leave Shoka alone but he needed to get stronger somehow. Then an idea hit him.

This stories is thanks to AdamKlydeUy, so I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this story. And I thank you for the story idea and I'll do my best to keep it updated. I'll see you all in another story chapter.

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