Chapter 5: Enterance Exams

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Today was the big day. It was time for the enterance exams. The day before the exams Endeavor offered Izuku a recommendation but just like Shoka, he refused and said that he wanted to prove himself.

He nodded at the answer, understanding why they would refuse his recommendation offer.

Right now Izuku and shoka were walking together. With Izuku just wearing a white button up and some dress pants, along with some combat boots.

They decided to have Eri stay at the Todoroki residence while they took the Exam.

As they walked they see a brown haired girl who was about to trip only for Izuku to catch her.

???: Oh, thanks for the save!

Izuku: No problem, just be extra careful.

She nodded as she walked in. The couple were about to walk in themselves only to hear a voice that Izuku never wanted to hear ever again.....his sister.

They looked over to see the Bakugou twins along with Izumi and Shokas brother.

Izuku: Can I help you with anything?
He said with an emotionless tone.

Izumi was about to speak only to be cut off by Katsuki.

Katsuki: Yeah! What the hell do you think your doing here Deku!? First you leave now you come back taking the Exams! Are you looking down on me!?

Izuku: Why would someone like me even take the time to bother looking at a raging mutt like you?

Katsuki was about to do something only to be pinned to the ground by his neck due to Izuku's Biten.

Izuku: I'll only say this once. Stay away from me. Don't even bother trying to talk to me, cause I'll just completely ignore you.
He said prying his weapon from the ground walking away from the group.

As he walked away with Shoka by his side Izumi and Katsumi were crying. While Shoto and Katsuki were angry.

They day down as they waited for the procture. Which happened to be present Mic.


Everyone else:.....

Izuku: (Still loud as ever uncle Mic.)

Present Mic:...Tough crowd...Anywho...if you look underneath your seats you'll find a paper and pencil! First id the written exam. Then afterwards we'll be the physical. You have 1 hour to complete it! So.....GOOD LUCK!

Izuku and shoka managed to get the written exam finished in less then 30 minutes. Though Shoka had a bit of help from Izuku before hand. So for the rest if the time they just laid back and cuddled a bit.

Those who saw them thought they were a cute couple. While Izumi and Katsumi looked with anger and jealousy.

After the Written Exam it was almost time for the Practical Exam. Present Mic was explaining the point system. As our little couple were busy relaxing since they knew about the point system.

He was about to explain the fourth robot only for a blue haired robocop wannabe to interrupt him. Daying how in the packet they got it explained about the four robots. Then turned his attention to our protagonist.

Wal-Mart Robo-Cop: And you the one with the white hair, you aren't focusing on this so I suggest that you leave!

Izuku: Ok, listen. Did you get a pamphlet a week before coming here?

Wal-Mart Robo-Cop: Yes, but what doe-

Izuku: Then you should know that everyone else got one as well. As it explains the point system. This is nothing but a reminder incase there are those that forgot. Plus he was about to explain the fourth robot but you rudely interrupted him.

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