The plane

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They arrived in a lonely parking area and Carlos switched off his car, then he looked at her checking on her phone. "My father just texted me" she said like she knew what Carlos was thinking about."Oh, what did he say?" he looked amused by that sentence and went out his car very fast."he asked me where the fuck I am" she said smiling, looking at her telephone screen that lighted her face. She opened her car door and went out looking around her. It was just a parking lot and she wondered if something strange or scary was going to happen to her."I don't think he will ever find out" Carlos locked the car and walked ahead smiling."Can you tell me at least where are we going?" y/n walked beside Carlos and saw some lights far away from them."You'll find out very soon, follow me" he checked his phone, then he locked it and put it inside his jeans pocket.They walked for a bit before arriving at an airstrip where there was a white jet with the main door opened and a couple of stewart waiting in silence."Welcome back, Mr. Sainz" said one of them as soon as they reached the jet. Y/n looked at Carlos and stared at him."Thank you, Bob" Carlos climbed the stairs and waited for y/n to do the same."What?!" Y/ said shocked."Get on the jet, c'mon" he moved his hands inviting y/n joining him.She waited a moment before getting on the plane, it was so strange for her and it reminded her of the "50 Shades of Grey" movie. She smiled at him then she get on the jet and Carlos held her hand to help. When she get on the jet, she looked around. She has never traveled in a jet, despite what her father did to reach every grand Prix. She have never liked all those richness and luxury but she had to admit that it seemed very comfy."You can sit here if you want" said Carlos pointing to a white chair. She set there and looked outside. Carlos disappeared for a minute inside the cockpit, then he went out smiling at her. She smiled back and looked at him sitting in front of her."I told you your father would never find out where we are!" they smiled while the doors closed and the engine turned on.She set in the seat closer to the window to watch the jet touching the sky and the city under her. He was looking at her and got up to seat next to her, pointing to all the spots of the city that he knew. They were very close and his arm was right in front of her face and she could feel his breath on her neck. She had goosebumps. "It's beautiful, Carlos" said y/n turning her head to look at him and finding out how close his face was to hers. They stare at each other for a moment like they were going to kiss but again it hadn't happened. "it is" said Carlos maintaining eye contact. His eyes looked down at her lips, then he looked at her and she felt like he shot into her heart. He touched her chin with his thumb and index like he wanted to get her lips closer to his own."I think we have to come back, Carlos" said y/n almost touching Carlos lips but she retracted very fast. His eyes switched off like they'd lost their natural glow. He looked lost for a moment and didn't realize what she said. "The race, Max, and I am sure my father is searching for me" she started to get agitated, looking here and there for her phone.Carlos looked at her moving like this, he has never been rejected by any woman so far but this time it was different. He felt like he could have let his feeling flow after his breakup, but now he felt hurt.He get up and went to the cockpit again, while y/n felt the jet turning back in the sky. She cursed herself for being so rude and stupid, she wanted to kiss Carlos so bad, more than anything in the world but she was too afraid of falling in love. She didn't know she was already in love with him.She checked her phone and found three messages from her father, one angrier than the other. She wrote fast she was coming back to the hotel soon and closed her eyes breathing. She hated him when he acted like that, like he can't lose sight of her. His controlling attitude suffocated her so much but she wasn't able to react."We'll arrive at the airport in ten minutes" said Carlos sitting in a seat far from her, checking his phone. They didn't talk until they reached the hotel and returned to their rooms.

Y/n closed her door very fast and still couldn't believe what she did, she really wanted to kiss that big and soft lips, she felt so amazed by Carlos she couldn't stand at him somehow. 
She didn't care about her father or Max or the Grand Prix, she was scared of falling in love, of having any kind of feeling for Carlos. She has never been in love with anyone and the lack of love her father gave her made her feel so uncomfortable with her feelings about Carlos.
She hated herself for what she did on the jet but it wasn't her fault, she wasn't able to love, at least she thought it. 
She get in the shower thinking about this and stayed there for a very long time, thinking of how he touched her face, he was so gentle but so strong, he was totally different than all the other guys who tried to flirt with her. Carlos was funny, sweet and proud at the same time she couldn't understand him, that's why she was so confused.
She fell asleep knowing that somewhere in that hotel Carlos was very mad at her, and she couldn't blame him.

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