We make troubles when we're alone

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The silence that reverberated between the two could be felt miles away. The two returned to the hotel and got ready to go to dinner, although y/n did not have much of an appetite.
Y/n washed and got ready in the bathroom, trying to deal with the situation as little as possible, same as Charles. Y/n chose a pair of black trousers and a soft, white turtleneck jumper. She combed her hair and put on her make-up very simply.
When she came out of the bathroom, Charles was already dressed. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a white Ferrari sweatshirt. He was sitting on an armchair, his body slouched forward and his mobile phone in his hands. He looked sulky but by now y/n couldn't get the thought of that kiss out of his head. However, she still hadn't asked herself whether she had enjoyed it or not. And, frankly, she didn't want to wonder at all, fearing what the answer to that question might be.

"Are you ready?" Charles asked as he looked up at her.
"Yes, I'll just put my coat on" She replied y/n trying to be polite and not ruin what was left of that holiday together.
Charles stood up, grabbed his coat, then seeing that y/n was having difficulty zipping her own, he helped her close her coat. He pulled the zip up to her neck and their eyes met again. They stared at each other for a few moments, then Charles tapped the zip to say 'there, done' and headed for the door.

"Antonio Fuoco wrote to me, do you remember him? The guy from Le Mans. He told me he is here tonight with some of his other friends. What do you think about having dinner with them? If you don't want to, I can say no."
"No no!" Y/n realised that he had almost screamed out of happiness. They weren't going to spend the evening having dinner just the two of them. Y/n followed him towards the door and turned to look at herself in the large mirror that was there before she left the room. She took a deep breath and left the room. They both headed to the restaurant Charles had booked and sat down at the table.

It was a long table, a sign that there would soon be many people to talk to besides Charles. Y/n felt relieved.
After a few minutes, Antonio and his friends arrived.
"Hi guys, sorry we're late but we just arrived!" Said Antonio greeting Y/n and Charles and sitting down next to him.
The evening passed in pleasant company talking about anything. Y/n and Charles were sitting next to each other and yet they barely spoke to each other, almost had their backs as they spoke facing opposite sides of the table, it was obvious that something had happened between the two.

When the food arrived, y/n was not very hungry, actually she did not like the dish she had ordered at all, while Charles's looked delicious. She looked at his food before taking every bite of hers.

"Yeah, it was fine if she did not eat so much for that evening, she would go to bed early and have a big breakfast the next day" That's what she was thinking.

However, Charles had already noticed that something was wrong. Out of the corner of his eye he had seen y/n taking a few bites of food and then stopping to chat, he could tell she didn't like what she was eating and he couldn't let her not eat anything. Energy is needed in the mountains and she was in danger of passing out after dinner, having already skipped lunch.

Charles stopped eating and while y/n was distracted talking he swapped the two plates, leaving her his food.

As soon as y/n turned to take a bite of his food, she realised that what she had before her eyes was not the food she had ordered.
She turned back to Charles who was taking the last bite of y/n's food. The two looked at each other and smiled at each other in silence.
"Thank you," whispered y/n, Charles winked at her.
Immediately her heart began to pound so she turned back to her new dinner which she ate in a couple of minutes.

"What do you guys think about going for a walk in the snow tomorrow night?" Proposed Antonio
"At night?"
"In the dark?"
"Come on, let's do it!"
"Beautiful!  can't wait!"

Charles turned to y/n to make sure it was ok with her who nodded sighing but with an expression of happy resignation.

The next morning y/n got up for breakfast and Charles had just returned from the hotel gym. The two of them met in front of the door of their room and arranged to meet later in the relax area of the hotel.

"You cannot believe who wrote me"
Charles appeared behind y/n's back as she read a book sitting in an harmchair of the hall
"Oh God, who?"
"Guess" Charles sat opposite her in another armchair.
"Your brother Arthur?"
"Your brother Arthur and Carla?"
"It's not Arthur!!!"
"Okay, okay, don't get upset.... Um, let's see, do I know him?"
"You know him very well."
"Oh my God my father..."
"You're dancing around it, my patience says stop: Carlos is coming here tomorrow"

Y/n remained motionless, her gaze changed from amused to annoyed.
"Did you tell him we're here?"
"No! But it will probably be a coincidence, it's not his first time booking here, I didn't think he would come"
"Oh God Charles..." Y/n let go in the armchair and covered her face with the book in her hands
"It'll be fine, I'm here"
Y/n stood upright in the armchair again and moved the book from in front of her face. She looked at Charles then said "you're no help to me anymore" then they both laughed.
The kissing thing seemed to be so far behind them that they could laugh about it.

"Everyone stay close together and do not stray far from the group" The guide was instructing the group on how to behave for that night walk. Y/n and the others had dressed in the snow clothing they had brought but they also had to wear a helmet with a torch in front that had to stay lit the whole time.
Charles made his way over to approach Y/n and check that she had clipped on her helmet properly and that her light was working. Despite everything, despite her embarrassment, Charles would never stop worrying about her.
To tell the truth, Charles felt he needed to be near her, more than to make sure she was okay, he did it to make himself feel good, y/n's presence simply made him feel better.

The walk began and lasted almost three hours. Charles stood behind y/n, next to Antonio who was dying to know what had happened between the two.
When they reached the top, everyone celebrated
"We made it guys!"
"It was so hard"
"We are the kings and queens of the mountain!!!"
Everyone hugged and Charles took y/n in his arms, holding her tight with his strong hands. She felt them in her waist and liked it.

"It's our last night alone" Charles said as he sat in front of the fireplace in their room, everyone had gone to sleep except him and y/n.
"Better" y/n was next to him holding a steaming cup of tea.
Charles turned to y/n, puzzled
"When we're alone we make troubles don't you  think?" Charles nodded and continued to watch the fire crackling.
"Apart from anything, I'm happy to be with you here" Said y/n who didn't quite understand where that sentence would lead. Charles turned back to her
"When I'm with you, I feel happy."
"Me too" The two were once again very close. Charles looked at her lips, he had an indescribable urge to kiss them again, now that he had them within a millimetre again. Y/n held her breath, she looked at Charles' lips and felt the same as Charles.
They were incredibly close, dangerously close. They felt each other's breath on them, Charles brushed her cheek, but then he moved his head and gave her a kiss on the the cheek, incredibly near to the corner of her lips. She opened her eyes, a bit surprised, a bit relieved.
He looked at her in silence, forcing himself very hard not to kiss her passionately, then got up from the floor and helped her up in turn.
In silence they got into bed and fell asleep. The next day would have been very difficult.

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