Chapter One

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(Well if you still think this about Lily Evans or a female Harry...sorry)

(Flashback) (Hints of abuse are mentioned in the flashback chapters, just be warned)

Klaus was finishing feeding from someone when he heard sniffling. He would've ignored it, but his instincts were screaming for him to go see who it was. He dropped the person, fed him blood, and compelled him, "You are going to go home and forget this. Don't die for twenty four hours," he said. He would hate to be dealing with a new vampire. He followed the sound of the crying and was hit by a scent, he couldn't really describe the scent other than a kind of polish and something sweet. It was an odd combination, but he felt something stir, something in his head (he only assume to somehow be his wolf) urging him forward.

There was a dark haired woman hunched over a bench, holding circular glasses in her hand. "Are you all right?" Klaus asked. It was a stupid question, but how else was he supposed to start? The woman's head snapped up and he could see vibrant glowing green eyes, they glowed more because of the redness in her eyes. "No," she admitted.

"May I sit?" he asked. She nodded after a second.

"May I ask what is wrong?" he asked.

"Stupid people, mean husbands, husbands and old gits wanting me for power and money and fame," she mumbled but he heard her.

Catching on to what she said, "Is your husband hurting you?" Klaus asked quietly.

She looked at him again and he could see hints of a bruise fading on her cheek. It made him angry—no, it made him furious. "He's hitting you?" he asked calmly, he didn't want to chance scaring her.

She nods, "He thinks he was power over me, he does not," she told him.

"Then why are you upset?"

"Because he's still trying to be controlling. The punch wasn't the worse thing, but I also can't see my best friends because of him. I see this whole ugly jealousy because they're all males. I don't mind jealousy or anything, but he didn't need to talk to my best friends the way that he did. Two of them are gay, one would never happen even if I was drunk, and the last one is like my little brother. He keeps saying that I agree to certain things, but I don't. Controlling," she rants.

She puts her glasses back on and he sees her eyes become brown, "Witch?" he asked cautiously. Ancestral witches don't like him.

"Core Witch, thank you very much, vampire," she sassed, gaining a chuckle from him.

"What's your name?" she asked,

"Klaus Mikaelson," he introduced himself.

"Ooooh, and an Original, how lovely my luck is," she teases, "Better yet, the supposed Original Hybrid, your mother was a bitch," she said.

"There's books on us, isn't there?" he asked.

"Only in certain libraries. Mainly my family's and one other," she said.


"Yeah, my family is a bit special. My closest friend who's the older brother of my little brother figure had snuck the same book out and showed it to his boyfriend who's a werewolf-wizard hybrid. It's the kind of werewolf that you get bitten and it only happened because the alpha was getting revenge on the boyfriend's father for his actions against werewolves. He's not a violent person, but he'd be excited to meet you," she said. "He would also probably talk about how much your mother is a bitch," she adds.

"What about your other friends?" he asked. He liked hearing her talk.

"Well the werewolf's boyfriend is hyperactive, like a dog. Makes since his animagus is one," she trailed off wanting to know what his knowledge was.

"Magical animal shifter?" he guessed.

She nods, "It took forever for those two to get together. He was more focused on his brother, those two didn't have a good home life. He finally managed to escape with his brother to my house where we contacted his grandfather. It turns out there mother had been using a torture curse on them and using potions on their father. She's been disowned and the family is watching over the father while he recovers," she explained.

"...Has your husband used that curse on you?" he asked hesitantly.

Her smile drops and that was all the information he needed, "Continue with the friends," he said.

"The hyperactive one's brother is much calmer, more cunning. He looks up to his brother though, he was the one to protect him," she starts, Klaus couldn't help but think of how he did that for Kol and Finn would try to distract Mikael, Elijah didn't do much when Mikael came for him, "When they got separated into different school houses, the two still talked, but not in public. They thought the older brother got disowned. But he would sneak off to talk to his brother and his cousins. The werewolf loves books, he won't admit that he's cunning, but he somehow gets out of trouble when we pulled pranks. He's the mom of the group. He checks over his boyfriend and me after a Quidditch—,"

"Sport," Klaus remembered that,

"Yeah, and he'd order to us the medical wing. My last friend, he's a bit skiddish, but he's sneaky, he changes into a rat. He's also the foody of the group. It took us a few years to get him out of his shell, but he eventually did. He's still quiet, but it turns out he's opinionated."

"Are you sure he wouldn't rat you out on something?" Klaus asked.

"Not if he didn't like what he was seeing. If he did something against us, it wouldn't be willingly," she said.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked, his curiosity getting to him.

"Core Witches and wizards have soulmates, you happen to be mine," she said like it was an everyday thing.

The woman checked her phone, Klaus was surprised she had one, "Sorry, I need to go," she said and stood up.

"Wait," Klaus said, "Give me your phone," she said, he gave it to her.

When he handed it back, he said, "When you get time away from him, call me," he told her, she gave him a smile in return. "One last thing," he spoke before she left.


"What's your name?"

"Jamison Potter. I refuse the name Evans. You can call me Jamie," she said with a smile and apparated away.

Dorothy Martin as Jamison Potter

Dorothy Martin as Jamison Potter

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Mikaelsons as Mikaelsons

Ben Barnes as Sirius Black

Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin

Timothee Chalamet as Regulus Black

*Give me a suggestion for Peter Pettigrew*

Male Lily as *Give me a name suggestion and face claim suggestions please*

(THIS IS IT UNTIL NEXT YEAR. I am working on college work and for those of you who read my Doctor Who books, I am waiting for the marathon on BBC so I can watch the episodes and then post everything.)

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