Chapter Eleven

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Sirius had walked down the stairs after he left the man with Jamie and Klaus and found the others back again. Lucius and the Lestrange brother shad just joined with Frank following behind with Alice. "What's that?" the Longbottoms asked.

"Figured if Prongs' appetite was going to increase food wise, it would creature wise especially if that baby is part werewolf. So I got a guy and kicked him there, apparently I was right," Sirius shrugged. The Longbottoms nodded in acceptance. Alice, she was a kind soul, but she had a secret twisted side. She never thought she would be associated with dark families, but Frank and Jamie changed her mind. Frank had been adorable when he explained all his plants, the ones he created or the ones he simply had. Jamie, to Alice, was her prankster friend that was secretly very vicious if she didn't get what she wanted. Alice knew Jamie could act. Alice knew the other Marauders could act. She couldn't even describe how surprised she was when she found out Sirius still talked to his family and Jamie was close to the Blacks because she was a Black through her mother. She was surprised to learn about the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. She was surprised to find out the truth about the Potter line. It was odd seeing Jamie without her glasses and with green eyes, but she accepted it. When she learned of the necromancer inheritance and Remus' werewolf status, she accepted it. It was a creature inheritance and Jamie had to feed to survive, Alice understood. Remus had been bitten cause of what his father did and Alice was thankful the Marauders helped him accept that side and that Fenrir taught to him to fight. Alice accepted a lot of things. She was even friends with the Malfoy couple and the Lestrange siblings after Pandora introduced them.

"Now," Remus spoke up, grabbing Alice's attention. The werewolf still had his attention on his partner, looking a bit concerned with how Sirius seemed. He was more calm than usual and usually the man didn't live up to his name and would be hyperactive. "What was on your mind?"

Sirius debated on answering and then motioned everyone in, "I think Death visited the other night," he said quietly.

"WHAT?!" they all yelled.

"SHHH!" Sirius shh'ed them, "Somebody has sensitive hearing up there. As a matter of fact, so do I and so does Moony now shush it," he spat out quietly.

They all calmed down and leaned in again, "Well, first off I believe they have different forms which is good that Prongs swings both ways and Klaus is old enough to not care," Sirius continued.

"Klaus was painting a man he was seeing in his dreams. I don't think he cares," Pandora said. She saw the painting in a vision.

"That's good," Sirius nodded, "Anyway, they said the pup was reincarnated, calling the baby "our reincarnated pup" and then said I was apparently picked to be the omen and that they picked correctly," he said.

"Who're they the reincarnation of?" Narcissa asked.

"Your animagus was chosen?" Regulus asked.

"Apparently," Sirius shrugged answering his brother.

"Would make sense," Bellatrix said, "you and Prongsie are best friends. I wonder if Uncle Charlus somehow knew because he liked and Fleamont almost immediately," she added.

"Oh, we did," Fleamont said, appearing in a picture frame. Charlus showed up behind him, "Who's my grandchild the reincarnation of?" he questioned.

"No idea," Jamie's voice startled them, "Paddy, you might want to put a privacy charm if you don't want Klaus to end up hearing you," she said walking down the stairs, "I have an idea for Used Tampon, but I need him dragged here and under Imperius," she said, her mischievous smirk ever present on her face. "Or not knocked out, either way works."


Liam startles hearing knocking on the door. Why was someone knocking? They usually just floo call or send a letter. He hesitantly got up and opened the door, meeting blue eyes immediately, "Invite me in," Klaus Mikaelson compels, knowing the Used Tampon had weak wards up that Jamie can safely and easily dismantle. The other wards were from Dumbledore, but those were using the Elder Wand and the Elder Wand recognizes Peverell magic and would easily let Jamie do what she wanted. It wouldn't even be that harsh on Tom since it would give the warning to send the Stone away.

"Come in," Liam said in a daze. As soon as he was out of it, Klaus sucker punches him, knocking him straight out, not bothering to catch him.

"Felt good?" Sirius asked as soon a Klaus walked out, dragging the Used Tampon by his shoe.

"Oh, yes," he said, "Shame it didn't kill him."

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