Eight: A Trifle of Flirting

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Only one person was left to interview, which was Harriet Morgan

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Only one person was left to interview, which was Harriet Morgan. But for now, there were only a couple hours until dinner and Nicu stood in front of the last room he needed to examine.

Everything was going according to plan. Esma was giving Harriet and the girls a tour of the castle, giving Nicu time to investigate.

St. George strode next to him with a raised brow. "I'm highly curious as to what you think you'll find. So far, we've looked in every room and have come up empty-handed. They came here with nothing."

"I'm not looking for things. I'm looking for habits and anything to get a glimpse into these girls. So far," Nicu emphasized opening the door to Harriet Morgan's room. "I have learned that Helen Fletcher loves flowers and excels at making arrangements with them. Anne Darlington is a romantic and reads novels way into dawn. Felicity loves the quiet and looking out at nature. Lastly, Rosa Beaumont—"

"Is the most fascinating creature I have ever beheld." St. George interjected smoothly.

Nicu rolled his eyes, picking up some letters Harriet must've been writing at a little desk across from the bed. "Is an energetic girl trying hard at being a lady, practicing her dancing way into the night."

"You got all that from their rooms?" St. George questioned.

Nicu nodded, putting the correspondence back down. "A vase of flowers sat on the table in Miss Fletcher's room that were freshly pulled from the garden which the girls had been at most of the day. Miss Darlington snuck a book from the library and hid it under her pillow and the candle by her bed was almost nonexistent, showing that she had it lit throughout the night. The window in Miss Wards room had been opened on many occasions causing fresh scratches on the wood and she had sat there staring out into the forest. And in Miss Beaumont's room the rug had been lifted in certain areas and furniture pushed aside indicating she was using the room to practice her dancing."

St. George's brows furrowed in utter disbelief. "How are you certain about all those things."

Nicu was quick to explain while plucking up a paper made boat. "A lot of ways people deal with their anxiety is by doing things that can keep their minds off the experience they went through. Most of the time they distract themselves with their favorite hobbies."

"And of course, that makes sense." St. George said exasperatedly. "You are one of a kind. Now what have you found here?"

The little paper boat sat on Nicu's palm as he examined all the intricate folding that shaped its form. "A very intriguing woman."

The boat flew to St. George, and he caught it, making sure not to crush it. "Are you certain she's the one?"

"I'm not, but something is off. My intuition is never wrong."

Appearing out of nowhere, Kappi jumped on Nicu's shoulder snickering at St. George who looked at the animal with pursed lips. "What is he doing here?"

"He seems rather taken with Miss Morgan," Nicu stated. He wanted time alone in the woman's room and turned to St. George. "Go inform Alastair of everything we discussed and hypothesized."

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