Fifteen: Truth vs. Sentiment

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A twitch of the nose followed by a sniff of the air, and claws burrowing into the soil

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A twitch of the nose followed by a sniff of the air, and claws burrowing into the soil. Harriet watched Kappi intently as he dug up a hiding spot. A shiny object appeared from his mouth, dropping like a heavy tear of rain into the hole filled with other items.

Harriet happened upon the little coon when she went out for a brisk walk about the garden. Kappi had been running around as if he were on urgent business. It was odd, especially since the little bandit had left with Detective Rowe and St. George. Neither of the men were back yet from their business, so it was a mystery as to how Kappi ended up here.

She was hoping that where he was digging happened to be the very place her wooden raccoon carving lay, awaiting rescue. Kappi was known for stealing endless amounts of biscuits, spoons, forks, knives, pocket watches, and other miscellaneous things.

He had a great love for shiny devices.

The creature who had not only stolen her wooded coon, but also her heart, finally darted off. Harriet quickly glided over and bent down to the hiding spot that was next to a jasmine flower shrub. She had to press herself into the branches to get to the mound of stolen items. Taking off her gloves, Harriet dug her fingers into the loose dirt and easily found a couple of biscuits sprinkled with dirt, a teacup with little blue flowers, coins, a plate, and, most alarmingly, a lighter.

But no wooden raccoon figurine.

Inspecting the lighter, Harriet picked it up and goosebumps rose on her fingers as she traced the cool metal. It was... pretty. A distressed white with intricately patterned lines that were a soft silver. "I wouldn't be surprised if Kappi knows how to use this. I better keep this just in case he sets fire to something."

Sighing, Harriet stood up and dusted off her new brown gown and pulled at the ruffled collar in frustration. She shoved her gloves back on, rolling the up to her elbows. Wiggling her nose, she strode away with indignation, pulling her black shawl tighter around her as a cool breeze shot through her dress and tickled her numbing legs. As she traveled along, Harriet stopped and hid behind a bush as a suspicious, hunchbacked figure limped its way toward the stables. It was covered in soot and grim.

She watched the person enter the stables and she glanced around, wondering what to do. The person was either going to take a horse and flee or worse— hurt someone. Harriet took a deep breath and raised her skirts. With light feet she ran, squeezing through the door without making a sound. A man's back was to her as he looked around while making strange, suckling noises with his teeth.

Harriet glanced to the side, noticing a shovel sitting against the wall beside her. Her hands shook as she grabbed the splintered wood, some of it digging into her palm through her cotton gloves. Wincing, Harriet lifted the shovel up high, ready to strike the oblivious oaf.

Then the man turned around and her heart stopped, but not out of fear. "Miss Morgan? What are you about to do with that shovel?"

"Detective Rowe?" Harriet asked in shock, narrowing her eyes to take a good look at the man.

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