Part five

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Wednesday 15th of June

Charles and Elle had already flew out to the next Grand Prix, sadly Elles friends could not make it to this Grand Prix as it was in Canada, so it was only Elle, Charles and a few others on the plane.

It was silent, the atmosphere was horrible since Charles hadn't had a good race in what felt like ages.

Elle had fallen asleep on the plane, her hands and feet were twitching as she dreamed about her last encounter with her and her brothers rival. Max Verstappen. Why does he think I like him? Why won't he leave me alone? Thousands of questions rushed through Elles's head but they were soon interrupted.

"Elle... ELLE se réveille nous atterrissons bientôt" "Elle...ELLE wake up were landing soon" Charles was shaking and shouting at Elle to wake up.

"D'accord calmez-vous charles quelle est la ruée de toute façon." "alright calm down charles what is the rush anyway"  Elle woke dazed and confused as to why her brother was shouting at her.
They arrived at their hotel, which most of the drivers were also staying in . Elle was on a completely different floor to Charles and as much to her delight Max Veratappen was in the adjoining room.
It was around 6 pm when everyone went out for tea, because the Ferrari staff had to go over some things with Charles and Carlos they all went out for a meal and left Elle in the hotel, Elle was happy about this as she'd finally get some peace and quiet. Not for long.

She would of hoped to not run into any of the other drivers while she was having her tea, don't get her wrong Alex Albon was her best friend who she loved to bits but all of the other drivers Elle found that they were a pain in her backside.

Elle was right she didn't bump into any drivers it was perfect.
Elle arrived back at her hotel room got changed into her pyjamas and snuggled into the duvet and watched French Gossip Girl, this was amazing.
All of a sudden the door swung open to see Max Verstappen stood with only a skimpy towel around his waist, his hair was soaked as he had obviously just had a shower.
"WHAT THE HELL.......WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OUT NOW" Elle screamed and jumped out of bed but the Dutch man stood there not saying a word to Elle.
"WELL WHAT DID I SAY? GET OUT!!!!!" Elle continued to shout but couldn't help but stare at him.
Max moved closer to Elle as her heart was beating ten to the dozen, he was now face to face with Elle his warm breath was felt down on her face. He looked at Elle with his eyes locked onto hers and Elle started to breath frantically.
" Erm Max, you need to leave" Elle could hardly speak
The Dutch man leaned over Elle with his hands still gripping the towel making sure it doesn't fall from around his waist.
After a few minutes of silence Max turned and left leaving Elle flustered and angry.

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