chapter 1 Lazarus pit

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We did it. It took us four years but we did it, we defeated Shadow moth formerly known as Hawkmoth now true identity as Gabriel Agreste. From then on I decided to make a permanent team. The team concise of:

Nino- Carrot pase
Alix - Bunnix
Luka - Viperian
Kagami- Ryuko
Max - Pegasus
Kim - King monkey
Julika- Purple Tigres
Rose - Piggela
Zoe - Nine Tails

The rest of my class and so-called friends believed Lie- la of me the person who has been their for them at their lowest and chat gave his miraculous as well as to erase his memory. It hurt me yes to know that Adrein  wanted to forget it all but I understood that it was too much for him.

I decided to practice designing in a school in China so I could begin my guardian training. I graduate early top of my class, same goes for my training. Turns out you can get a lot done without any distractions such as crushes. Now I'm 23 on a mission to destroy this thing called the Lazarus pit. Tiki said it was one of the things she created along time ago but failed to destroy due to the fall of the temple.

I decided to take kaalki ,Trix as well as plagg to infiltration what I was informed the League of assassins. " Okay I got pass the big throne room thingy. What next? " I as plagg since he was there when she made it.
" Take a right, a left and three more rights and you're there pigtails "
" Hey I don't wear pigtails anymore "

I followed his directions and there it was. The Lazarus pit in all it's glory. " Cataclysm!! " I say " okay time to head out, Trix "
At the mention of the kwami's name an illusion of the Lazarus pit appeared as well as making Mari invisible to everyone outside the illusion. Marinette decided to look around the place before she left to make sure they don't have any miraculous either when she came across the bloody body of a child that looked no other than six. Marinette began to have inner conflict with her self- wait no she doesn't, instead she takes the kid somewhere safe .
Marinette made it back to her penthouse safe and sound with the kid. She rested him on one of the beds in the penthouse and from that she started to clean his wounds and change his clothes from the assassin uniform to a black t-shirt and blue jeans that were lying around in her studio.

After deciding he'll be okay, she headed to the kitchen to make herself and her new guest dinner.
The kwamis made it there mission to watch over him while he sleeps.

Damian POV
I started to toss and turn on the bed- wait bed? somethings not right, this not the league where in the hell am I? This place is obviously someone's house and by the looks of it the person either just moved here or this isn't  his/her real house. I started to smell something delicious coming from the what he would assume was the kitchen. I decided to take precautions before entering, this person was able to break into the most heavily guarded base and kidnapped me without being noticed. As I got closer to the kitchen I began to hear humming and with that I was able to tell that it was female.

I just stood there watching her, the woman look around twenty two or three with Bluebell hair in a ponytail and pink unicorn pajamas.

To be continued

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