sorry and incorrect quotes

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I would like to apologize for not being able to give you guys a third chapter yet. It's just that I'm having a maga case of writers block but don't worry I'll still continue this story and to entertain you guys I prepare some maribat incorrect quotes.

Marinette: Bruce, do you ever get tired of wearing black all the time?

Bruce: Not really. It's my signature color.

Marinette: Well, you know what they say, black is slimming. But have you ever considered adding a little pink to your wardrobe?

Bruce: Pink? Are you serious?

Marinette: Just imagine, the Dark Knight in a pink bat-suit. It would be the talk of Gotham!

Bruce: I'll pass on the pink, Marinette. I think I'll stick with the classic black for now.

Marinette: Damian, I made your favorite cookies!

Damian: *narrowing his eyes suspiciously* What's the catch?

Marinette: No catch, sweetie. I just thought you might enjoy them.

Damian: *still skeptical* Are you trying to soften me up so I'll do my homework?

Marinette: *laughs* Well, that's an added bonus, but mainly I just love making treats for my wonderful adopted son.

Damian: *trying not to smile* I suppose I can't resist your baking. Thanks, Mom.

Marinette: You're welcome, Damian. Now, cookies and milk in front of the TV, sound good?

Damian: *smirking* You're spoiling me, but I won't complain.

3)Marinette: Damian, you need to clean your room. It's a mess!

Damian: Mother, I am the son of the Dark Knight. Tidying up is beneath me.

Marinette: Oh, really? Well, I'm the Mom of Miraculous. And trust me, even superheroes have to clean up after themselves.

Damian: Fine, but only because you've guilted me into it with your superhero logic.

Marinette: That's the spirit, my little Wayne. Now grab that broom and let's show this messy room who's boss!

4)Marinette: *standing at the door, arms crossed* Damian, care to explain where you've been?

Damian: *freezing in his tracks* Uh... I can explain, Mom.

Marinette: *raising an eyebrow* I'm listening.

Damian: You see, there was trouble in the city, and I had to retrieve the miraculous of the Black...

Marinette: *interrupting* Damian, you know the rules. No hero work without my permission.

Damian: I know, but I couldn't just sit back when people needed help.

Marinette: I understand your intentions, but you need to trust that I can handle the situation as Ladybug. You're still young and learning.

Damian: I just wanted to prove myself.

Marinette: And you will, but rushing into danger without a plan isn't the way. We need to work together, as a team.

Damian: I'm sorry, Mom. I should have listened.

Marinette: *softening her expression* It's okay, Damian. We all make mistakes. Just remember, your safety comes first. We'll find the right time for you to join me in protecting the city.

Damian: Thanks, Mom. I won't let it happen again.

Marinette: Good. Now, let's get some rest. We have a lot to talk about in the morning.

Marinette: Bruce, can you believe we've been married for 10 years?

Bruce: Time flies, doesn't it? I guess our secret identities aren't the only things we've managed to keep hidden all these years.

Marinette: True. Who would have thought that the famous playboy billionaire and the everyday superheroine would end up happily married?

Bruce: Life is full of surprises, Marinette. And I wouldn't want it any other way. You're my partner in crime-fighting and in life.

Marinette: And you're my dark and brooding knight. Here's to many more years of adventures together!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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