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Dear Daniella,

Hello. To start, this is no longer Mona's locker. I'm sorry I'm not Mona, but I read your letter. I'm sorry for doing that without your permission, but once I started reading, I couldn't stop. I know this letter wasn't for me... but it still spoke to me. We're kind of alike. Not really, but we are. In a way. Sorry. Soon I'll start making sense.

I don't really know your relationship with Mona, but it sounds nice. What you wrote about her was really beautiful and I'm glad there she could be there to be such a good friend.

You don't know yourself? Me neither. Recently, someone told me I reminded them of something that didn't make any sense to me. That worries me. I'm getting perceived in the way I don't want. I don't really like not being in control of something like that. Being out of control sounds just the way it reads.

I guess you can understand that. People perceive you, but no one really knows you.

I ask myself all the time how can I be a good friend? How can I make everybody happy? I love making everyone happy. If I can do one simple thing for somebody and make their life easier, I would do it all day. I would make that my profession. But it's give and take. I'm sure if I asked anybody for anything, they would help me too.

Sorry, I don't really know what I'm talking about. But that's life, I guess. I think it's just a series of guesses. I think this will work out. Maybe I should try this. I don't know what to do, so I guess I'll just go for it and maybe I'll fail, but maybe I won't. I don't know.

I also understand your feelings of not really knowing yourself. You got me questioning me like am I dramatic? I've never really thought about it. I've never really thought about who I am. But I understand the comparisons. I have an older sister that is perfect. She was cool without even trying. Smart because as soon as you told her something, she would remember it forever. She was strong and beautiful. I'm pretty sure my parents thought she was going to be the president of the United States one day. She was absolute sunshine, and we were all just there basking in her glow. And I'm the little shadow behind her trying to match up.

It can be a little tiring, but I know it's what my parents want and if I could be the sun, why wouldn't I try to be?

You don't know me, but I know you. In my unhumble opinion, I think you know yourself more than you think you do. Because you don't care what other people think. You say what you mean, and everybody knows you're being honest. Everybody knows you're being real. You just have to find somebody that will accept you the way you need to be accepted.

Also, I watched the Emma movie. I've never seen any Austen adaption before, and it was really cool. And really sweet. I didn't expect Emma and Knightly to get together at the beginning, but as soon as they danced, I really couldn't hope for anything else. What a cool line, "if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more." All the characters are great. And I'm surprised I didn't mind the old timey speak.



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