Episode 8 |Drenched

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Scrunching up my nose in disgust at the dingy small space of the house, I walked up the stairs looking around at the mess possibly created during the police search.

It seemed like the house has not been cleaned since that girl's murder.

I sighed, opening the small wooden door to the congested room.

Taehyung wants me to get that girl's whereabouts on my own. He wanted someone really trustworthy and fast for the work. And here I am.

My eyes roamed around at all the small decorative pieces precisely placed at all the different corners making my lips unconsciously turn up in a smile.


Yet reminding myself it wasn't the time to admire, I started searching for any information of my interest.

From what the manager of the club informed, she didn't have any friends at work. She was a hardworking girl yet very courteous. All the coworkers used to like her for her helping nature but there was something different about her personality. She didn't interact much. She wasn't talkative.

So all we know about her is her habits, nature and tons of complements.

But nothing about her whereabouts.

Walking upto the study desk at a corner, I shuffled through the books coming in face with a frame placed upside down.

Taking the frame in my bare hands, I lifted it up-to my view.

My eyes went wide in shock.

The frame in my hands moments earlier slowly slipped off my grip.

It's her........ Y/n.



Sun drowned down, painting the sky a darker shade of orange, casting slanting faint rays through the garden window inside the living room.

Jin was out all day at work while y/n stayed at home, spending most of her time aimlessly walking around his place.

There didn't seem to be any sanity or reason behind her actions anymore.

Maybe she lost it all like everything else?

Sitting on the living room couch under the orange shadows of sun, her hand firmly held the small knife, scraping it through her forearm veins.

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