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2 months later:-

Sameeksha's P.OV

"Umm.. Mumma, papa I-I actually wanted to go to London." I hesitantly expressed my thoughts in front of my parents.

It has been 2 months since that accident and I was perfectly fine now. I could do my own chores without any help. But I was restricted from lifting any weight.

Since 2 months, I get these weird nightmares almost every night. Each dream would be different from the other one, but the ending would be the same. Two lovers getting separated. And that was painful as fuck.

I would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming. Sometimes, mumma came to console me and sometimes papa came to reassure me.

Once, I got a dream where the girl got into an accident and as she had hurt her head pretty badly, she forgot everything after the surgery. In short, she got a disease named amnesia.

I cried a lot that night. I don't know why but that felt relatable. When things got out of hand, papa told Doctor Tanya about it and she suggested that I should probably go somewhere away from here. That would probably give me the peace that I seek for.

And I thought hard over it. It was just a few days ago when I came across the idea of visiting London. It had always been my dream to go to  London. Pretty girlish, I know. But hey, I am a girl.

I was just gathering my courage to tell my parents about my decision until now. Why? Because my father is damn protective over me. And he would never allow me to go anywhere without anyone's supervision. Even if I am a 23 year old adult.

"What! No." My father snapped as soon as I said those words.

My lips formed into a cute pout and I asked in a whining tone,"But why?"

"I can't allow you to go in an entire different country alone."

"I would be fine. Besides, there is our branch in London too, right? I will handle it till I stay there."


"Come on. Mumma." I whined again and showed my puppy eyes to my parents. Dad seemed unfazed but I saw a little bit of hesitation in my mom's eyes. I mentally did a victory dance because I know my mum will support me now. She knew how much I need this trip.

She put a hand on his arm and whispered something in his ear that made his cold eyes a bit warm.

He kept an intense eye-contact with me that made me uncomfortable.

I never like when my dad becomes this cold and calculative. He would never behave like this in front of me but today something snapped in him, when I mouthed those words, that made him lose his patience.

He would always be kind, loving and gentle when he talked with me and mom but when he would be in the office, he would be all calculative, dominant, cold and ruthless.

His still cold eyes gazed down at me and I scurried away a bit towards mum. This was all new to me because, as I said, my dad never acted this way in front of me.

I was not scared of him, I never would be because I know he will never hurt me or mom.

Oh! And did I ever mention that my parents got forcefully tied in an unwanted and arranged marriage?

My dad— being a cold, dominant and intimidating person— snapped at mom the moment they stepped inside their room as a newly wedded couple. And my mom— being a very stubborn, short-tempered and intractive— snapped back at him.

And that resulted in them hating each other for 2 years. They wouldn't talk to each other, wouldn't eat together, wouldn't even sleep in the same room.

After 2 years of finally ignoring each other's presence, someone finally gave a piece of his mind to my dad and he talked with mom and cleared some things.

After that, they both remained friends for 1 year during which my dad fell for my mom but mom was already in love with someone else.

Someone who was her ex-boyfriend. Someone who left her for something else. Someone who broke her heart in a million pieces. Someone who was a coward.

That bastard wanted to come back in my mom's life and she happily obliged. I don't know what happened that made her change her decision— dad prefers to never talk about it— but she eventually chose her husband over that bastard.

And dad made sure that mom never regrets her decision. He pampered her with love and affection and showed her how much he loved her.

My mom told me once that dad hated cuddling before but after falling in love with her, he started loving and craving them.

She also told me that my dad has a crazy obsession on her and not even she loves dad as much as my dad loves my mom. That is just so adorable.

After a few minutes of intently staring at me— during which I gave my best puppy eyes— dad finally sighed and the coldness in his eyes disappeared.

He said in a soft voice,"Fine. You can go." but then added in a stern tone,"but I won't allow you to go alone. Anshika will also go with you."

"But her parents might not allow her to leave the country." I said in a smug voice and he smirked at me in response that made all the smugness evaporate.

"I already talked with them and they agreed and Anshika is more than happy to accompany you."

I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth in annoyance.
"Fine. Good night." And with that I sauntered towards the stairs and disappeared behind my room.

My dad can be fucking annoying sometimes.
Scratch that, he is fucking annoying whenever he acts like an over-protective and possessive father.

Hello there!

Missed me? I missed you too.

Anyways, how was the chapter? And there's a bad news for you people. You would have to bear with some more annoying and boring chapters. Sorry.

But I swear I would compensate.

And, that's it. Bub-bye.

Thank you❤

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