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Raghav's P.O.V


"WHAT? Stop screaming goddamnit."

"We have been trying to wake you up since forever. How much sleep do you need?" Abhi said.

"10 hours minimum."

"Shut up. We have reached. Do you wanna come with us or go back to India with Keshav bhai?"

"Where are everyone else?"

"They are waiting for us."

"Fine. Let's go."

"Fucking finally."

He stopped groaning when I glared at him. We stepped out and went out the exit gate towards them. They already took mine and Abhi's suitcase, so we just sat inside an Aston Martin One-77.

"Why the fuck are we sitting inside this car? You know how much I resent slow cars." Sid groaned.

"Shut up, Sid. This is the best we could  arrange in such a short time." I and bhai scolded in unison.

Sid and Abhi are twins, but they are literally poles apart. Sid is childish and Abhi is a bit more mature. Sid has a flirty and outgoing personality while Abhi is a complete gentleman and an ambivert. The only thing common in them is their love for their closed ones. They would do anything for the people they love. That is the quality every Malhotra sibling has. We would even die for each other. That's how close we are and I am proud of it.

"But—" One glare from bhai made him shut up.

We reached to our designated hotel and checked in to our rooms. Bhai-bhabhi were going to stay in one room, Abhi and Tanya were sharing a room and I and Sid were sharing one.

Oh! How much I wish Sameeksha was there by my side today. I wouldn't have to share a room with Sid. Okay! Don't get me wrong. I love all of my brothers equally but Sid is very annoying. The most annoying of us all.

Just when I entered inside the room with Sid, my phone pinged. Sid looked at me and motioned me to see what the message was, even though I wasn't interested in knowing what the message stated and who sent it, I pulled out my phone from the back pocket of my black jeans.

The message was from our group: The Malhotra Bastards. Quite weird and unique, I know. But our whole family is weird, so it's not really a surprise.

Austere Bitch: People, you have got 10 minutes to get ready. Meet me outside the lobby at 8:00p.m sharp.

The Second Mother: Tanya, don't worry. Even if you don't follow Dev's order, he won't say anything to you. So, take 2 hours to get ready.

Austere Bitch: You weren't supposed to reveal that, Naina🙄.

The Bubbly Sis: Thank goodness! I was starting to freak out. We girls need more than 1 hour to get ready, bhai. You won't understand.

The Second Mother: Exactly.

The Second Bitch: Guys, shut up. And let me get ready. The phone won't stop beeping after every few seconds.

The Scumbag: Exactly.

The Second Bitch: Stop lying, you imbecile. You were quite enjoying this.

The Scumbag's Twin: I bet Sid didn't even try to get up from the bed to get ready.

The Second Bitch: True😐.

I switched my phone off and entered the washroom to take a shower.

You must be wondering what all this nonsense is, right? Let me tell you. So, as I mentioned before, my family is crazy and so, they got this idea of giving each other some titles based on their personality. As Dev bhai is very strict and simple, we decided to give him the title 'Austere Bitch'. I, being the second kid and copying my brother's strict and arrogant personality, got the title 'The Second Bitch'. Bhabhi is like a second mother to all of us, so we started calling her 'The Second Mother'. Tanya is like a sister to all of us— except Abhi, of course— so, we called her 'The Bubbly Sis'. Sid and Abhi are called as 'The Scumbag' and 'The Scumbag's Twin'.

Lugubrious Amore Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora