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"Mia Grace Thompson wake up now" my mom yelled while pulling the covers off my bed

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"Mia Grace Thompson wake up now" my mom yelled while pulling the covers off my bed. "I am not going to tell you again."

I get up out of bed and get the good morning stretch in then walk over to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair and put on an outfit. I decided to go with a white skirt and a blue tank top that tucks into the skirt and a pair of air force ones for the shoes.

I grab my stuff and head downstairs to be greeted with the fresh smell of chocolate chip pancakes. My favorite breakfast food of all time. I grab a drink and take a seat at the table as my mom dishes me out some pancakes. She is dressed in her scrubs because she has to be at the hospital for her new job as a head surgeon.

We moved from Columbus, Ohio to Phoenix Arizona because of my parent's divorce and my mom's job and let me tell you it is a big change. One the weather is hotter and it's also going to be hard going to a new school. I am officially a senior at West Phoenix High School.

"So honey, are you excited it's finally your last first day of high school," my mom says while eating her pancakes.

"I guess I am just nervous. What happens if I don't meet anyone?" I answer.

"Oh don't worry you will be fine, you are smart and beautiful I am sure you will make friends very quickly," she says while checking the time on her wristwatch. " Okay let's move don't want to be late."

"Of course," I say while putting my plate in the sink.

I grab my stuff and walk towards her car. I hop in on the passenger's side and she does the same on the driver's side. She starts the car, and we are off. West Phoenix here I come!


I stand there stiff as a stick not wanting to enter the building at all. I keep waiting for a little until someone comes up to me, causing me to jump a little bit.

"Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you, I am Alexis by the way," Alexis says.

"Oh it's fine really, I'm Mia," I answer her.

"You new here," she asks while we still stand outside the building.

"Yeah, how'd you know," I answer her in curiosity.

"Well I haven't seen you around and it looked like you have been waiting in front of the school for hours. Nervous," She asks.

"Yeah, Nervous and Scared," I say.

"Well don't be. Do you need help finding the principal's office," she said.

"Yeah, that be great," I say and follow her into the school.

She directs me to the principal's office. I go in and she said that she would wait outside for me which is nice. I like her she has beautiful long blond hair that goes all the way down to her mid-back and skin as soft as a baby's butt.

I get everything I need from the principal, my schedule, and the school's number. Don't know why they gave me that, but I just took what they gave me and walked out the door to meet Alexis.

''Okay let's see your schedule," she says. I hand her my schedule and she starts to analyze it.

"Okay, so we have third-period math together and lunch which is all."

"Okay great but do you think you could walk me to my first class," I say hoping that she would.

"Yes of course I will," Alexis says with a cheerful smile leading the way.

I follow her and start to feel like this is a start of a very good and exciting friendship.

     Thank you so much for choosing to read my book. This was a shorter chapter, but trust me when I say it will

Word count- 662

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