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I get up slowly removing my hands from Mia's waist

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I get up slowly removing my hands from Mia's waist. We have school today. I don't know how my body managed to wake up an hour early than I normally do.

I look at the time on my phone and it read 6:00 am. 

Now that's too early.

"Is everything okay," Mia said while sitting up on the bed.

"Yeah I guess I just couldn't fall back asleep," I say.

"Do you wanna go for a walk," Mia asks me.

"Let me check on Leah and if she is awake then we can all go."

"Sounds good. I am going to wash up real quick."

I went to go check on Leah. The sound machine was still going, so I turned it off and she woke up in an instant.

"Hey Leah," I say while rubbing her back.

"Acey," she says and wraps her hands around my neck.

"Wanna go on a walk with me and Mia," I ask.

"Yes, yes Mia Mia," she says.

I think she likes Mia more than me.

I walk into the closet and pick out an outfit for her. She has a good style for a 4-year-old.

I pick out a simple onesie that is all white but has little navy blue polka dots and blazers for the shoes.

Once she is all changed I walk back into my room where Mia is currently all dressed in a comfy fit.

"Mia," Leah says.

"Hey sweet girl," she says and picks Leah up to hold her.

"We going on a walk," she asks.

"Yeah, but let's fix your hair first. Also Ace needs to put a shirt on," Mia says.

Well Dam I thought I looked good shirtless.

I give her the 'Are you kidding me face' She just smirks and goes into the bathroom.

"What do you want braids, piggies, or a pony," I hear Mia ask.

"Piggy bun buns," Leah yells.

While they are there chatting and doing Leah's hair.

I quickly put on a plain black hoodie

I heard distinct laughter come from the bathroom. I quickly put my blazers on and walk into the bathroom to see the two girls laughing about something.

It makes me happy to see the two of them develop a bond. Leah doesn't have the usual mother figure in her life right now, I hope Mia can be that for her.

"Take a picture it will last longer," Mia says and gives me a little smirk.

"Okay then," I say.

I pull out my phone and snap a quick picture of Mia and Leah.

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