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"Math is next"
I sigh as the hard subject is the first one to be my class„ It say's that the room will be in the second floor which is great since am already here

I walk around to look for the room since..... I realized that this building is big

Few minutes later I found it.

I knock on the door just to be reply with a "come in" the person behind the door said as I twisted the handle

"Ahhh you must be the new student Wellcome, please introduce yourself, if you have siblings, your hobbies and Your country what about" The Professor said

"Well greetings am Philippines, or just call me Philip for short my country is an archipelago which is located in the Southeast Asia area, I don't have any siblings, am the only child" I said
"Then my Hobbies are Art's, Arnis, basketball, badminton, volleyball then dancing and singing"

"ahh your part of the Asean organization right?, I heard alot about you"
I nodded "well yeah but I don't really join the meetings, my government are the one who will do that" I said

"I see well then am Sir Asean, so I guess you take a sit to that empty chair over there" sir said pointing out, I nodded and went over there and sat down

"Alright let's start"

"1 hour later"
( I don't do math )

Yess finally math is done!
On to the next class

Arts it's next finally it won't be that difficult.

As I try finding the room and not looking where I was going I suddenly bump into someone

I look up the person as He has 5 stars one big star and 4 Small starts

I move backwards as I bow apologize to him
As he nodded and accept the apology, and walk to his next class ( ig )

His kinda familiar I said to myself
As I realized that am almost late for my next class. Shoot

Dun dun dun
( I don't know what to put )

I arrived to my next class
Which is indeed arts

I knocked on the door
As the Person behind the door say come in as I twisted the handle
And get in

"Oh class, We have a new student today, please introduce yourself darling?"
He said


After I introduce myself once again, he introduced himself as Mr France

[A/N: Y'all wanted male France 💋]

He led me to sit down,
I walk up to the empty chair with a canvas infront

"okay Class, I want you to draw something what you want, no need it to be perfect aslong you have meaning to your art" the teacher said

As My head start loading for a few minutes and finally can think of it,
I dip my brush to the paint and started painting

~Few 30minutes later~

"Okay brushes down, I will call your name one by one"

After the others got called, my teacher calls my name, as I was about to grab my Canva
A speaker from the outside speak
"sorry to bother anyone, but teacher please go to the meeting area right now"

"Oh my, Sorry everyone but meeting
Maybe next time Philip but everyone please remain in your room wait until the next bell to ring for your break time" He said

As he we nodded

I sat down to my chair trying fixing my painting which I am having more time to fix it,
While the others people in the class were talking to each other and other's are aswell finishing their artwork

Until someone patted my back

"Philippines right?" I nodded
"Greetings am canada, and I love your artwork" He said
"Thank you!.. yours too also you can call me Philip or Phil for short" I said

We talked for a bit, waiting for the bell to rang

And until it ring

"Welp that's the bell, wanna go eat lunch with us, after the next bell?"
"Sure why not!" I replied

As we went out of the rooms, going to a seperate ways


Hmmm I should go roam around outside the school for a bit..


I changed the book cover now.
Also I gain motivation to write ✍️

Anyways belated merry Christmas and a happy new year everyone have a great day or year.

Love guys.

- cole

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