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|no pov|

Philip woke up, as he fix his bed after that he went to the bathroom room to take a piss
Then clean his hand, he went out of the bathroom and went out of the room shutting the lights

He look around
'Huh they must be still asleep, wait what time is it anyways-' he thought as he look at clock and suprisingly is 5am.
'damn I am that Early, even though I literally slept late.. '
He thought, as he should make breakfast and aswell for his roommates to, he went to the kitchen
And check to the fridge
He saw Raw meats, some box cereal, orange juice, milk and water in a container, and a few Eggs

'Might aswell do some groceries, but let me eat first' as he grab the milk and the Cereal box from the refrigerator

And then check some cabinet to get a bowl and a spoon

He then poured the Cereal and then the milk, as he start eating
After that he wash his hands
And went to his room to dress up

After a minute he went out of his room and the dorm As he walk through the hall as he went down to the elevator

Out of the gates seeing no countries around not anyone in the street as he silently went to a near by gorcery store, which is also empty only the cashier is in it He sighed as he realized he had to find where to exchange his money but he didn't know
So he went inside to the store and ask the cashier where to change his currency the cashier replied that it's alright, it's your options if you want to exchange your currency to the island currecny or not
They allowed every currency

As Philip nodded as he give the cashier his Money currency and then enchanged it ( For later propose ) and went around the store

Okay so some eggs since there's only a few of them left already
Some meats, Sodas, Fruits and snacks
And some ingredients Like sauce, oil and etc
He then went to the cash register to pay his gorcery
As the cashier, cash Philips grocery
"how much Ma'am?" Philip ask
"uhmm, ₱530 pesos sir" She replied
He nods as he gave her 600 pesos
And receive 70pesos or change

Philip then Carry the bags of grocery
He then walk of and heard the cashier was talking about him "Finally this currency is finally been used" the cashier said
As Philip just walk of not feeling bad or something, later that as he arrived to the building in the entrance and was about to get the elevator to his floor room, he noticed a shadow figure looking at him From the top floor and can't identify who is it since it still so dark outside

He brush it off as he went straight to the elevator hitting the 4th floor.

He opens the door to his dorm as he saw no one around, 'I guess their still sleeping, plus am still hungry , I should cook some breakfast since I already bought some ingredients and plus for my roommate also' he said to himself

And start cooking...

- Time Skip -

Germany had woken up from his Nap and scented a delicious scent that made him Drool for a bit and rumble his stomach. He went out of his seeing Philippines cooking and placing some dish

"Goodmorning Germany" Philip greeted him a Germany greated him
"Goodmorning Philippines"
"Didn't I told you not to call me Philippines that's name is long just call me Philip"" My apologizes"
"Nahh it's fine don't say sorry, and come sit down I made breakfast if you can see"

Germany sat down smelling how the food taste like and making his stomach rubble, for a few minutes Germany dig in until one of the bedroom opened revealing Switzerland.

"Guten Morgen , Schweiz " Germany greated him.
"Was that's smell it's Makin me Drool!"
Switzerland said as he went to the kitchen seeing some lovely food

"OH WOW WHO MADE THIS???" Switzerland said
"i did" Philippines replied that made Switzerland jump in suprise
"Oh I Didn't see you there,,, well it looks so delicious, what's your name?

"Am Philippines or just call me Philip or Phil I forgot to mention that nickname"
Philippines said, "Well am Switzerland!" Switzerland said as he handed his hand for a handshake as they both shake their hand.

"Take a sit" Philippines said as they both take a sit, meanwhile Germany just about to finish his meal.

"Slow down Germany, you might choke" Switzerland said as Philippines just chuckle, "Sorry I just can't it taste so Good, what do you call this dish?" Germany questions, as Philippines replied "We call it sinigang"

"It taste so good, How about this one?" Switzerland ask pointing out a Spring roll "Well that's a lumpia in my country" Philippines said as Switzerland took a bite of it and was satisfied of it aswell
"it taste so good" Switzerland added

As the three of them eat their breakfast that Philippines made after that Germany and Switzerland Wash the dish, when Philippines insisted that he will do the washing.
But the two didn't listen to Philippines, since his the one who cook the food for them.


Time passes by


Philippines is in his room, Switzerland in the living room and Germany is in his room aswell studying.

Philippines was trying to fix himself brushing his hair, and went to his desk to study, Later on a knock from his door from the other side

"Yes?, Come in" Philippines said revealing Germany
"Hey Philip, mr- WOW" Germany words caught off from seeing how lovely the décor and his room is
"Nice room" Germany said as Philippines replied with a thank you

"So anyways back to were I was saying, Mr UN called you In his office" Germany said as looking at his phone
"I think I know why, haha thanks for reminding me " Philippines chuckle and thanking him

As Germany nodded and exit the room, and for Philippines getting his stuff and exiting the room aswell
And then going out of the dorm, and then to through the elevator and lastly going to principal office of the Academy.

Knocking on the door, and a voice inside 'come in' Philippines open the door revealing one student and of course the principal.

"AH.. Goodmorning sir" Philippines bow greeting him "Goodmorning to you to Philippines" Un chuckle "Also this is your tour guide for today his name is Singapore, his also a member of the Asean Organization" Philippines nodded...
"Alright, you two may leave now"

As the two start walking through
"A your Philippines right?" The Singaporean asked “Oh yes, but you can call me Philip, Phil for short or any nickname”

“So your also a member of the Asean Organization?” He ask as Phil nodded “And also a founding member of it”
“Really?.. well then how come I have never seen you before?” he asked

“Well.. it's complicated”
“Alright then, well lets starts tutoring the area,, let's do the outside first then the inside”

Philip nodded as they both went outside the building and walk around.


Authors note ✨

That's all! Am finally down with this bro!.. am finally able to upload this up ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.... My motivation just start up.

School is just about to start and it's another death time 😭
Welp wish my luck,, anyways if there's any mistake here correct me :))

Thank you

- Cole

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