One day

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Why are you crying then?" Ashton asked, as he wiped away a stray tear from my face.

"You." I stated simply, fully prepared be vulnerable with him.

Even though I was terrified.

"I'm not following." He stated.

"Are we allowed to go to your office now?" I asked.

"Absolutley." Ashton said, with no hesitation. "I have to go grab an officer to follow us, then we can go."

I stood by the door, while Ash searched for the cop he had just argued with.

I took this moment to look in the mirror that hung in the bathroom, which was to the left of the door.

I didn't look like me anymore.

Well. I did.

But. I didn't.

I looked like the me that had put up with my dad's antics for far too long.

And I looked like the me, that had been taken advantage of, for as long as she could remember.

I missed the me that used to dance in the rain whenever I had the chance.

And I missed the me that wasn't hesitant to make new friends.

I missed the me that could trust others.

I had decided that today, would be the day, that I got the me I missed back.

I wanted to trust Ashton so bad.

I knew in the end, he could hurt me, the same way my family had for years.

He still deserved a chance though. He had done nothing to me, to lose the opportunity for vulnerability, unlike my father.

That man literally never deserved my trust, vulnerability, or presence in general.

I jumped, as an officer popped into the room, interrupting my thought process.

"Let's go little miss." He said, gesturing for me to leave the room and go into the hallway.

I did as he wanted and was met with Michael holding a wheel chair, giving me warm smile.

"Common kiddo, let's go for a ride." He said, putting down the feet on the bottom of the transport.

I returned the smile, and gave him a small thanks, and soon after I felt him lift the brake handle.

"Where'd Irwin go?" I heard the officer ask from behind us, as Michael pushed the chair through the hall.

"He had an emergency call come in." Michael responded shortly, clearly not wanting to entertain a conversation with the cop, who I'd come to hate.. a lot.

He slowed the chair to a stop as we arrived at Ashton's office, walking away and inserting a key into the door.

He came back to the chair, after pushing the door open, and held out a hand to help me up.

I took it gratefully, and made my way into the office, plopping down on the beanbag chair.

Michael entered the room, shutting the door behind him and coming over to sit on the couch in front of me.

"You're staying?" I questioned.

"We'll, I didn't think you wanted me to leave you with that officer." He said, smiling deviously.

"Oh lord, no." I spoke, rolling my head backward and laughing slightly. "I'd hang out with Luke before him."

"You don't like Luke?" Michael asked, cracking up and nearly doubling over.

"I didn't mean it like thattttt..." I stressed to him, he ignored me and kept laughing making me roll my eyes.

"He just seems a little.. idk.."

"I know what you mean," Micheal finished for me. "He can be pretty, serious, at times."

"There's times when he's not?" I asked, honestly surprised.

"He doesn't have a stick up his butt all the time." He said, smiling widely.

"I hope, one day,  I get to know that side of him."

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